[3.25] SadPanda's Poison Summon Raging Spirits Build Guide | Ready for the Event!
" Don't get me wrong here, I've got the purpose, I just expected a bigger impact compared to the seraphim. As an oversight after a boss fight, I forgot to switch multi strike back to melee splash and I must say, with the spirit as AoE support in addition to the aura, the clear speed feels better than with melee splash and the seraph. Need like 20% more for lvl 98, then I switch back from snyth maps to t16 stacked deck farming. I'm somewhat curios how the felt performance will be there. /edit: I found a nice little beauty for the build: /edit2: the judgemental spirit makes a solid figure because of the package of buff for SRS and AoE. I've gave the spectre leader a short try after the judgement died, but it's almost like expected. looks great but in practice the area of his aura is to small and he himself not always where the SRS are. So I go back to Judgement. You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'. Последняя редакция: Judaspriester#5334. Время: 8 сент. 2024 г., 17:12:18
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Can someone give me tips on how to have more survivability? Struggling a bit in the t13 realm.
Second,how can I get Malevolence - Haste - Determination AND Tempest shield? I can get the first three and I got the lower reservation gem but how do I get tempest shield on top of that? |
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" First of all, what spectres you're running? the perfect warlord may be expensive with ~1 div, but 3 endurance charges already help a lot. A budget alternative would be Perfect Guardian Turtle, which offers 5% phyical dmg reduction and gives you a dmg immunity buff from time to time. Perfect Forest Warrior another spectre in the 20c range that would provide you onslaught, so you can drop those 5 points in tree for other stuff. as for the auras, I would have to import your build into PoB to check in detail but first of all Replica Dragonfangs Flight gives you some reservation efficiency. you could as well get some if you move the aura setup into a uncorrupted helmet and then add the eater enchantment (7% efficiency for lesser). Then it might work. I run Flesh and Stone in stead in sand stance, which gives you some additional damage reduction against enemies that are close to you. your flasks also could use an upgrade. 1 life and 4 utility flasks should work alot better. if you know what you're doing you can enchant them for increased effect, but if not (or you simply doesn't want to spend to much attention on your flasks) you can also simply enchant them on auto use when full. that might not be optimal, but is still better than a flask not running at all because of lacking attention. if you got the currency, getting united in dream would give you a lot of poison chance, so you can drop poison chance on abyss jewels. I think that's already a good brunch of input. If you need further help, feel free to ask. You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
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" Thanks for this! I got no idea what spectres I'm running. I just grab whatever baddies are around. Is this really bad? I thought severed in sleep was better than united in dream? That's what the OP says anyway, so that's why I went for it. How did stances come up? I didn't think that was a part of this build? |
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" https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/MrsDeath_/SadPandaSettler?type=exp&i=0&search=name%3Dsadpan That's Sad Pandas char with that build for this season. I oriented myself on that and made a few small changes. Severed in Sleep is the budged version until you can switch over to United in Dream. The Withering Touch Support already offers a 25% chance for wither on hit. With 20 SRS out, that's more than enough to stack it up very fast on bosses. So you want Poison chance in stead of Wither chance on your weapon, which also allows you to drop a brunch of poison chance on your jewels as mentioned. As for spectres, since you seem new to the topic, maybe start at the wiki: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Raise_Spectre#Strategy The spectres I'm currently running are: - Perfect Warlord - Perfect Forest Warrior - Perfect Hulking Miscreation - Perfect Judgemental Spirit I would suggest you to look them up and try to understand why I think they are really good for our setup. As general suggestion: Try to understand why the build creator has chosen this way and always looks a little sideways for alternatives. First of all, it helps you get a deeper understanding on the mechanics of the build. Then there is always a small chance that you notice something that could be improved, that either fits more to your personal play style or even could improve the build as whole. You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
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" Thanks for this. I got a perfect warlord but now it seems like I can only use it once and if it dies then I'm screwed?? My summons die constantly so this does not seem tenable. Can I just use the standard warlord? Or something that doesn't require a corse? |
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" You are branching out too much on your tree, you need blessed rebirth on a medium cluster and you need 5% minion life gained on minion death mastery or your minions will die very easily. Try implementing my day 3 tree see if it works better : https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/MrsDeath_/SadPandaSettler?type=exp&i=0&search=name%3Dsadp&timemachine=day-3 Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities! Последняя редакция: MrsDeath_#3960. Время: 12 сент. 2024 г., 9:29:54
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" Allright.. if your minions tend to die, investing in a warlord is most likely a bad idea, since yes, the bought corpses are 1 time only. On my setup, from time to time the spirit or the miscreation dies, but even that isn't that much of a problem for me. You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
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Why is it so crucial that my minions survive? It's not like the SRSs are dying too fast is it? Can't I just resummon spectres if they die? Or do I need very specific ones for this build to work?
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" In my post above I linked you the wiki page for spectres and named the spectres I use. Look them up and you may understand why we want those specific spectres and not just random ones. Besides that, all of those I named come from ritual corpses and therefore can't be added to your spectre bank. Like you already noticed, if the Perfect Warlord dies, 1 div is gone. Ofc I could explain here in detail and I'm ready to talk about details, but given the complexity of PoE, you should learn how to do some basic research on the build you're playing. That will reduce the number of walls you will run into and especially the number of those, where you don't understand whats is going wrong. You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
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