[3.22] Hidden Blade Corrupting Fever Ascendent: Automated Fever Stacks, Tanky and minimal Clicking!

Arfihk написал:
Please make more videos mapping and bossing, build looks good but needs more showcase

Oh I will, don't worry about that! Having an issue with OBS and awful screen artifacts I want to fix and I will be working on a longer build showcase / guide video showing off what content its good for :)
How are you maintaining corrupting fever? I ask cause it seems like nothing is really keeping it up besides 2x flame dash.
Tested this out and so far at a lower level and the main issues for me is having some good way to refresh corrupting fever... casting reap all the time destroys hte run and gun feeling.

Really wish there was a nice way to trigger this that would fit with the gems.. blood rage and a few supports could do it but links space...
Последняя редакция: Haddoq#2605. Время: 1 сент. 2023 г., 4:25:25
Houyami написал:
How are you maintaining corrupting fever? I ask cause it seems like nothing is really keeping it up besides 2x flame dash.

I tend to cast Vulnerability onto packs and use Reap on any rares... this and Malevolence tend to keep the stacks up for me in a dense map.

Haddoq написал:
Tested this out and so far at a lower level and the main issues for me is having some good way to refresh corrupting fever... casting reap all the time destroys hte run and gun feeling.

Really wish there was a nice way to trigger this that would fit with the gems.. blood rage and a few supports could do it but links space...

Something I'm still experimenting with is the potential of allocating Exceptional Performance as Amulet enchant ( if RMR on helm and eldritch implicit OR enlighten ) and using an unnatural instinct through the mana / regen start line of Ascendent can get us up to 10.4seconds of Corrupting Fever uptime and 28.3 seconds of Malevolence . We just need to look at how best to resolve the Mana reservation issue that arises from that change in Anoint.

Leveling gems?
iceiceice1 написал:
Leveling gems?

Hay iceiceice1 - its something i'm actually working on documenting for both a levelling post on this and a build guide YT video ; just having to do it around the day job .

Quick levelling approach I took was

- Muled Ethereal Knives from Shadow
- Levelled with EK , Snipers Mark and Blade Blast till act 4
- picked up Exsang with Chain , Cf and Reap and made the switch
- act 6 picked up remaining gems to 4L all 3 skills
- Got CF / Reap into a 5L in act 9
- Switched to Hidden blade in white maps
- Scaled gear as mentioned in the original post 'Scaling the build'
- Tree is in the PoB link in the original post :)

I want to do a little bit more testing on the EK initial levelling and also provide 'twink' levelling options which, essentially, goes EK into Cold Convert Reap early on and I have taken to maps in sub 4hrs

Thanks for your reply! I will wait for the full documentation) good build.
I started with this build, it is very fun but the manual casting of something to keep corrupting fever up is not fun.

I looked around poe.ninja builds and most high level people are using vortex that you can autocast while moving.
you can add some useless supports together with lifetap if your skill duration is not high enough so it will refresh easily while still levelling.

another fun option if you can get enough strength is using mjolnir to cast ball lightning- GMP - returning projectiles every 0,25 sec when hidden blade hits. This gives you many CF stacks on all enemies.

If you can get gloves that cast vulnerability on hit, you can just walk and kill stuff, very fun!

Im a fan of autoheralds build this is something for me! thanks
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.

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