[3.25] Infinite Vaal Lightning Strike 1 Button set up (12M budget, 130M end game)
In 3.25 league, a new enchant system has introduced new ways to play vaal skills. For vaal lightning strike, we are given "Socketed Vaal Skills have 100% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration" on dagger. Previously, for vaal attack builds, we used Hateforge as generating rage was easier than vaal souls. With remake of rage mechanic, it has been much easier to sustain rage compared to using Chainbreaker in prior iterations of the build. Thanks to new Tinctures, we can reach 13 rage generation per hit of the skill, which let us spam the vaal lighting strike at cost of 12. Here are core items required and explanation of why it is needed to sustain vaal lightning strike.
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"Socketed Vaal Skills have 100% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration" dagger. It helps us to spam the vaal skill without any limitation. Hateforge It helps us to use rage instead of vaal souls. Oakbranch Tincture(requires 25%+) This is the new way to generate rage this patch. On baseline, it generates 3 rage per hit per 0.5 seconds. With prefix 35% increased effect and 25% quality (now multiplicative), the baseline 3 becomes 5 rage per hit. (3 x 1.35 = 4 and 4 x 1.25 = 5) We will further scale this by getting over 100% tincture effect from passive tree. This let us to get 10 rage per hit from this tincture alone. Rage Support It provides 3 rage on hit. If used along with tincture, it provides 13 rage on hit every 0.5sec. Impossible Escape (Glancing blow) Skill cost reduction & maximum life points around Tireless notable provides extra cost reduction. It helps us to reach up to 40% cost reduction with Hateforge, bringing cost of vaal lightning strike to 12 from 20. Videos
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Feared https://youtu.be/7Li0q_zOKJ4?si=vExLc_KzzdhkGeD0 Uber Uber Elder https://youtu.be/r1WH3VYKkwQ?si=x0ZXbZcf0d2UROgN T16 Ultimatum https://youtu.be/gpZEw45HEak?si=C6umpMf-cLWvCbo0 T17 Ziggurat https://youtu.be/oi6E3swqlAI Uber Exarch https://youtu.be/emqLnsS0hmg Why consider this variant of the build?
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This variant has least gear requirement and 1 button build style which no other variants can match. Extra requirements for this build compared to others are, 1. Oakbranch tincture 2. Rage support 3. Tincture passives on tree 4. Sustain Mana Flask (Check other guides on how people sustain life flask on Master Surgeon build with Pathfinder. Use same techniques) It does not require you to use have fixed belt or ring slot. In other words, 1. you can use Headhunter, Mageblood, or even Micro-distilary belt with full 5 flask/tincture on your bar. 2. It allows you to use Nimis which is very high QoL with random direction and double damage with return. Your other skills does not have any rage costs as you do not need to use Chainbreaker Defense Layers
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1. 65/65 Attack & Spell Block 2. 100% Suppression 3. 56% of life regen every 4 second 4. High life gain on hit Budget set up PoB with barebone gear
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https://pobb.in/8BsVGVZRQH7- Mid-level set up PoB
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https://pobb.in/GyuWrQppdNiE High-level set up PoB
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https://pobb.in/N-rfS_jh80fP Scaling damage with the build
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In order to scale the damage easily while keeping the tincture up time high, We will utilize Sab of the Seasons. This tincture helps us to gain 259% increased elemental damage & up to 200% elemental damage penetraion. This is where majority of our damage is boosted. You can also craft the Oakbranch Tincture to have high attack speed. Sustaining mana burn
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To sustain 2 tinctures, we will be utilizing another tech to maintain high uptime on the tincture. We are going to lower our maximum mana to low as possible using Reflect misted ring & Power of Purpose keystone First we lower the mana using ring (preferably over -150 mana or higher) Power of Purpose gives us 80% less mana. You should try to keep mana as low as possible, just around 100 would be ideal, and lowering futher does not benefit us. Anything below 120 should be fine. (Least mana burn stack is 1 which happens when you have total mana of 100.) Our main source of the mana recovery will be from the mana flask. Use high quality enduring eternal mana flask. This set up let us keep mana burn between 230~400 stacks depending on your set up. To further increase the mana burn up keep, we can use 1. Clarity aura 2. Watcher's eye with (10-15)% increased Mana Recovery Rate while affected by Clarity 3. Body armour with elevated redeemer mod (12-15)% increased Mana Recovery rate (20-35)% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks 4. (35-40)% increased Flask Mana Recovery Rate on Belt Sustaining Rage
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1. Cost reduction Hateforge provides rage cost reduction up to 25%. Impossible Escape (Glancing blow) You can spec into Tireless wheel which provides up to 15% cost reduction of skills. 2. Rage gain 25%+ quality Oakbranch Tincture with 35% increased effect prefix provides baseline of 5 rage per melee weapon hit. With the passive nodes, we can get 76% tincture effect from the tree. Lastly, Legacy of the Wilds notable from hidden passive provides another 40% tincture effect. With 116% tincture effect, each hit provides us 10 rage. General's cry - Autoexertion With Rage mastery, "Warcries grant 1 Rage per 5 Enemy Power, up to 5" and Warcry mastery, "Warcries have minimum of 10 power" each automated general's cry provides 2 rage. 3. Rage loss prevention From boots, get 23% General's cry cooldown recovery, and take 1 tattoo of Tukohama Warcaller on tree to replace 1 of +10 str node with 8% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate. In total, you can get 30% (from autoexertion) + 23% (boots) + 8% (tattoo) cooldown recovery rate. It will get your general's cry cooldown to 1.86 sec. Right now, there is a bug where if your general's cry cooldown is between 1.9~2.0 second, it will cause rage loss and you will lose 1 rage every other warcry. So make sure to keep your cooldown below 1.9 sec. Infinite Flask Sustain
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Nature's Concoction notable provides 2 flask charges per melee weapon hit every second. Tincture mastery grants 1% increased Flask Charges gained per mana burn. As we will be sustaining over 200 mana burn, we can sustain all 3 flasks we use permanently as long as we are hitting something. Gear Recommendations
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You want dagger shaper dagger or shaper/elder dagger. For prefix, 1. Socketed Skills deal 40% more Attack Damage 2. Adds 16 to 303 Lightning Damage provides highest damage so prioritize these two. For suffix, you can use standard good affixes as 1. Attack speed 2. Critical Strike Chance 3. Critical Strike Multiplier/ double damage If you want to go high budget, you can go for mirror-tier dagger like this. Shield
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You want to use Squire to provide extra links to your vaal lightning strike. Helmet
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Pretty generically good helmet. You want +14% spell suppression, high resistances, and high life. Make sure to have an empty prefix so that you can craft an extra pierce Body armour
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You want to use a sacrificial garb base as it provides +1 level to vaal skill gem. Awakener's orb Redeemer's (12-15)% increased Mana Recovery rate (20-35)% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks and Elder or Hunter's Attacks have (+1.6-2)% to critical strike chance. Rest are high res and high life. You want to have an empty prefix to craft (20-25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments (20-25)% chance to Avoid being Stunned Gloves
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You want to use 25% max roll hateforge. minimum you can use is 20% as 20-24% will make your vaal lightning strike cost rage 13. Boots
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It is generically good boots High life, High movement speed, High res. Make sure to have 23% general's cry cooldown recovery rate & action speed for your implicit Ring
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You can just buy a dropped ring from the mist which has high life, high negative mana, and high res. If the negative mana rings are hard to obtain, buy a manifold ring, put fertile catalyst on it. Spam life reforge on harvest until you get high life, high mana, high res. Use reflecting mist. It may take 3~4 tries to get positive life & negative mana. For other ring, you can use a regular rare ring or Nimis to improve damage & QoL Amulet
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You want to have high int & resistances to get gear requirements. Make sure to enchant "Legacy of the Wilds" to get 40% tincture effect. Belt
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For Rare belt choice, Use Micro-distilary belt. As Tincture is not a flask, you can still place tincture in the 5th flask slot and use it. For Micro-distilary belt you want following mods. 1. Strength 2. Chaos resistances 3. High Life 4. Increased Flask Mana Recovery Rate Alternatively, you can just use Headhunter. Tinctures
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You want to use 2 tinctures. For Oakbranch Tincture, get 35% increased effect on the prefix. For suffix, Attack speed is the best in slot. Make sure to use 25% quality or above. For Sap of the seasons, use the reduced mana burn rate one. As we will be ramping up mana burn using oakbranch tincture, we want to maximize our time above 100 mana burn stack as damage penetration scaling stops beyond 200% Current Gear
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Последняя редакция: SisterHell#1136. Время: 14 авг. 2024 г., 3:31:24 Last bumped29 дек. 2024 г., 5:26:38
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Very innovative idea compared to chains + rotblood setup.
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Fun build. Might consider switching to this. What is your pantheon tree?
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" Solaris for major Abberath for minor Stun immunity is solved through shield mastery, body armour craft, and tattoos, so brine king is not needed. |
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" Gotcha, any tips on crafting the dagger? |
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Yeah started leveing a scion then looked at the "starter" gear. Crafting the dagger is gonna cost you close to 75 divines alone. That is not really what I would call starter.
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" Essence spamming to finish prefix. If you also want lvl 16~20 elemental damage with attacks, using recombinator should be good. (Essence + 40% & Essence + 16~20 EDWA) Once you have prefix done, do prefix cannot be changed, harvest reforge speed to get attack speed. Then another prefix cannot be changed and use veiled orb to get either crit chance / double damage / crit multi. Finish the dagger with craft mod. This should get you a dagger to do 80M+ damage. |
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" Yeah the enchant price being 45d alone is a bit rough. |
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Do you have a T17 regex for mods to avoid with this build?
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thank you.Very good build.
also need the T17 regex too and how to craft the dagger from High-level pob? |
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