Path of Exile 2 Early Access Livestream Announcement Coming Soon!

Последняя редакция: Malamojapruskisatelitu#2410. Время: 1 окт. 2024 г., 11:43:22
can't wait
romeothegreat написал:
800 hours of gameplay and 4 story mode finishes i expect my invite lol cant wait

Those are rookie numbers... i hope you were joking! ^^

I only spent like 2k on poe with around 6k hours played and I dont even know if that is enough.

there is some crazy people out there :D

good luck though!
Either way, I'm waiting for 1.0
oh boi i hope my 2k hours in the game will get me an early access key :D
i hope I get my birthday gift
BlueTemplar85 написал:
Why wouldn't they ??

firenovix написал:

Although I heard recently that Early Access would only have the first 3 Acts in it, which is kind if disappointing if it turns out to be true.

Why ? Same thing happened with Fall of Oriath beta :
GGG написал:
What content is included in the [FoO] Beta?
The Beta includes acts One to Seven. We expect to add Act Eight within two weeks of the Beta starting. Acts Nine and Ten will be released alongside the final 3.0.0 release. The Pantheon system and most balance changes are included in the Beta (for feedback!) New skills and unique items likely won't be in the Beta.

And pretty sure that for PoE1's Open Beta (0.10.0), only part of Act 3 was available ?

firenovix написал:
Cant wait to play just the first 3 acts out of 6 in Early Access.

Think I'll wait a while before jumping in so I can play through the rest of them, why would I want to experience end game before completing a campaign.

Did you wait 5-6 years
(looks like you could actually buy access to PoE1's "closed" beta in 2011-2012 already, notably through the first crowdfunding campaign ??)
until the end of 3.0's beta (introducing acts 5 to 10) to start playing PoE 1 ?
If so, nobody forces you to play until PoE2 gets its own 3.0 equivalent, after who knows how many years... (Heck, I waited 11-12 years !)

Of note:
GGG написал:
Is the Mapping System included in the [FoO] Beta?
Yes, at the end of whatever content the Beta goes to. There's currently a level gap between the top of the Act Seven content and the first tier of Maps. This may be a little difficult for brand new players, but you guys can handle it ;-)

Anjim написал:

In theory, according to Wikipedia, my account is older than the game itself.

Wikipedia: PoE was released on October 23, 2023
My account: May 26, 2013

Wikipedia is wrong, PoE1 (0.10.0) released on January 23, 2013.
(And maybe even earlier, if anyone could just buy a "closed" beta access ??)


talraashi написал:
desenat2 написал:
with this poe2 launch ggg hired some staff from Blizzard, this will be the first in many pay walls that we will run, hope not

This model has already been used by GGG. It’s a kind of soft launch to identify the main problems and fix them, and yes, to make some money, but I’m sure that this is not the main motive here.

(and I should have considered that in my prediction that turned out wrong about the open beta being free, just like for POE1's release)
looks just like for FoO already 7 years ago, PoE is now just too popular for a PoE2 free release ?

(Same thing happened with D4's "pre-"release being more expensive — and noticeably, D4 did NOT have (pre/)release server issues, unlike D3, which didn't do that — but Diablo's popularity is yet on another level...)

What I'm curious about, will they also give away free keys, like they did for the FoO beta ?

GGG написал:
How are players selected to enter the Beta?
For the past two Betas (Closed Beta and The Awakening's Beta), we used a public Beta Key timer on the website that would invite one player per five minutes. While we gained infinite satisfaction from watching reactions from players, it was a little contentious during The Awakening's Beta and and the negative aspects from players being upset outweighed the fun of the trolling.

We'll likely use significantly larger but silent waves of invites to invite active players into the Beta (for example, instead of 288 keys per day like before, we might pick 500-1000 players each day that we send out invites for simultaneously).


It's disappointing because they were expecting to have more ready for Early Access on November 15th as Jonathan stated he wanted the whole campaign to be available and thus I wanted it as well.

The bright side is the Early Access is going to be running for a lot longer then the Oriath Beta did so I don't mind just waiting to jump in when all 6 acts are available. I don't want to experience endgame before completing a campaign, just ruins the experience imo.
It was different for Fall of Oriath Beta we already knew everything about the endgame since not much changed from the expansion aside from adding more campaign, which I did still wait for before playing the Oriath beta as well despite knowing already what the endgame was like, simply because I didn't want to see potentially new bosses, monsters or items in the endgame that I hadn't yet seen in the campaign. I also didn't play the endgame in the beta I waited until its official release, only completed what I could in the Oriath Beta campaign wise then stopped.

It's the same thing here with Path of Exile II, I don't want to play the first 3 acts then experience endgame and potentially see things that I would of otherwise seen in the campaign first therefor am going to wait till I can complete the campaign which they're saying all 6 Acts will be available later on in the Early Access.
I mean why would I want to play maps and possibly fight a mini boss from Act 4-6 before encountering that boss in the campaign

As for Path of Exile 1 the game was just starting so of course I didn't wait, I knew nothing of the game when I first started playing it in 2013 and nobody knew there was even going to be more to the game beyond Act 3 at the time.

Последняя редакция: firenovix#6291. Время: 1 окт. 2024 г., 13:37:40
Cool nice to Know

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