Timbo Zero написал:
Honestly they’d be better off to have no free entry for lifetime spending threshold and just put a 20$ pack which is nothing more than a key for early access and a leveling unique akin to the old race ones (20 movement speed boots or something useful enough to use every league but tame enough to not have the community shout pay to win).
Please don't open this Pandora's box.
I could see this happening at best for a closed beta with a pre-announced character & item wipe at the end of it. (And one that isn't longer than a month.)
But even then adding increased movement speed boots would defeat the point of testing how the early game feels for the players that will not have them.
I am still expecting the early access to be the full ‘standard league’ game, less a few old league mechanics they are still fine tuning.
Honestly, I would expect none of the old challenge mechanics to be present at this paid launch, instead them being slowly added (though probably still at a faster pace than originally released), to have time to test out how well they fit in PoE2.
What’s the point of an ‘open (ish) beta’ that tests half the campaign, none of the mapping etc? Answer is it would be pointless to know act1-3 are ok and have no clue if 4-6 work under pressure or how to balance the endgame unless we are ‘all’ there ‘abusing’ mechanics they didn’t think of.
All in the whole game or why bother anything public at all (I understand closed beta being less, there are NDAs etc and limited access to protect the IP but once it public you need to flood test it)
Why not ? In practice, for games, is how pretty much all open 'betas' ever work. Also, it's not like most players will ever make it past act 3, regardless of how great GGG makes PoE2's early game (see also : Diablo 4). That early game better be polished for when PoE2 goes free !
EDIT - Just manually added up all spent MTX points (does not matter if they were flat point packs or supporter packs they work out the same price near as damn it) and I have spent 9685 points and have 15 left over, that is 970 US dollars worth, I had better damned well get a lifetime key lol.
Well, I hope for you that GGG won't put the threshold at $1000(-equivalent) :p
BlueTemplar85 написал:
Timbo Zero написал:
Honestly they’d be better off to have no free entry for lifetime spending threshold and just put a 20$ pack which is nothing more than a key for early access and a leveling unique akin to the old race ones (20 movement speed boots or something useful enough to use every league but tame enough to not have the community shout pay to win).
Please don't open this Pandora's box.
I could see this happening at best for a closed beta with a pre-announced character & item wipe at the end of it. (And one that isn't longer than a month.)
But even then adding increased movement speed boots would defeat the point of testing how the early game feels for the players that will not have them.
Reply - Honestly I kind of agree and personally prefer my charity option, the boots was a throw away idea because I couldn’t remember any of the old (pre-eternal) race league rewards that are very basic lifetime leveling uniques.
I am still expecting the early access to be the full ‘standard league’ game, less a few old league mechanics they are still fine tuning.
Honestly, I would expect none of the old challenge mechanics to be present at this paid launch, instead them being slowly added (though probably still at a faster pace than originally released), to have time to test out how well they fit in PoE2.
Reply - Fairly sure JR said a couple, but not all, of the old league mechanics are already in with the rest they plan to add to core game in progress to add (I assume) before full release.
What’s the point of an ‘open (ish) beta’ that tests half the campaign, none of the mapping etc? Answer is it would be pointless to know act1-3 are ok and have no clue if 4-6 work under pressure or how to balance the endgame unless we are ‘all’ there ‘abusing’ mechanics they didn’t think of.
All in the whole game or why bother anything public at all (I understand closed beta being less, there are NDAs etc and limited access to protect the IP but once it public you need to flood test it)
Why not ? In practice, for games, is how pretty much all open 'betas' ever work. Also, it's not like most players will ever make it past act 3, regardless of how great GGG makes PoE2's early game (see also : Diablo 4). That early game better be polished for when PoE2 goes free !
Reply - Once again referring to JR quotes, the game won’t go out as ‘open beta’ until it’s the whole game experience including endgame/mapping. If this early access is what he meant then that’s what I’d expect and I’d expect a full 3 months plus ( to prepare and release the fully public game with first league at the time they think will work best… I am hoping poe1 and Poe 2 leagues are staggered so we can play both and not choose one or the other)
EDIT - Just manually added up all spent MTX points (does not matter if they were flat point packs or supporter packs they work out the same price near as damn it) and I have spent 9685 points and have 15 left over, that is 970 US dollars worth, I had better damned well get a lifetime key lol.
Well, I hope for you that GGG won't put the threshold at $1000(-equivalent) :p
Reply - You and me both, if I fall under threshold by a pitiful 30$ I would (as would anyone else near it) be furious.
TBH if I was GGG I would make the threshold X$ +-10%
Added replies inside quote ;)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division) Последняя редакция: Timbo Zero#8289. Время: 2 окт. 2024 г., 7:28:17
2600,4 hours here. send invite please :P
can wait to play the new game.
Poe was part of my life for many years on the bad and good days but always was able to make me have a good time thanks for the nice work!!
Hype! Can't Wait!
how long is the early access anyway
Сообщениеarigatou2#78222 окт. 2024 г., 8:42:37
why only 3 acts though? thats just a few hours of gameplay....
СообщениеLyutsifer665#16712 окт. 2024 г., 9:04:09На испытательном сроке
hype let'sgoooo
arigatou2 написал:
how long is the early access anyway
I heard at least 6-12 months. This is according to YTvideo named "BURNING Path of Exile 2 Early Access Questions Answered FAST!".
Can't wait!
СообщениеLatrops#04572 окт. 2024 г., 9:18:23
yes please