Yo, this is a cool event!
Was kinda hoping for early Jan league launch, but even if it's late Jan, that's still cool. Take your time.
Сообщениеsumfight#260931 окт. 2024 г., 18:32:32
Seymowr написал:
Been supporting this company for almost a decade
Got my post deleted because they chose to LIE to consumers about Poe2 never affecting poe
Its not even out and its already a mess
Good job lying to people
Enjoy all the decade of support, wont be another one.
One would wonder, why would they be killing their own game in order to release a questionable 2nd game. Overwatch2 vibes...
Сообщениеmorfeablack#200531 окт. 2024 г., 18:32:40
Please have the mods be random per map, having them rotate globally every hour is boring and incentivizes extremely degenerate alarm clock gameplay.
СообщениеCyrusdexter#152931 окт. 2024 г., 18:33:03
Could we get a Softcore SSF? I'd love to start a softcore character in the event that migrates back down to settlers.
Сообщениеanker58923#558631 окт. 2024 г., 18:33:15
_Keijo_ написал:
Holy crap people here are feeling so entitled.
PoE2 wont affect PoE in the future it's just bad timing right now. If they launch a PoE league now in early december we are going to have to both play PoE 2 and PoE at the same time. I would HATE that and feel I would be missing out on both at the same time.
Yes it's sad we won't get a new league however PoE 2 is just around the corner so we can experience and focus on this. After we tested some PoE 2 a fresh new 3.26 league will be ready for us.
there will be people who wont be able to play poe 2 because it's early access by paying even so, poe 1 is more of an hack and slay Arpg and poe2 seems to be more an soulslike arpg type so either way there will be alot of poe 1 enjoyers who wont be able to play any new poe content neither poe 1 or 2 over the holidays.
СообщениеTRaX_xS#604531 окт. 2024 г., 18:33:28
I was afraid this might happen.
Im burnt out on Settlers, done all the challenges and sick and tired of trying to keep my gold up to keep the town running.
I might actually have to revisit D4 at this rate which is not a happy thought.
СообщениеRuddski#642131 окт. 2024 г., 18:34:15
best schedule i can imagine ty ggg
Сообщениеmntdrx#496231 окт. 2024 г., 18:34:50
Nice! I couldn’t play settlers start so it looks like I will have another chance then. It will be interesting seeing how this league will compare to the og one as the time passes.
СообщениеBolander#694631 окт. 2024 г., 18:35:52
tat2dsoldier32 написал:
" there will be 2 separate teams working on POE 1 and POE 2 so that POE 1 does not get neglected"
Not wrong.
Shini написал:
First poe 1 and 2 were split into two games. Then they said poe 2 won't delay new leagues for poe1 and now we get league each 6 months
Not wrong.
Eat your vegetables.
TRaX_xS написал:
_Keijo_ написал:
Holy crap people here are feeling so entitled.
PoE2 wont affect PoE in the future it's just bad timing right now. If they launch a PoE league now in early december we are going to have to both play PoE 2 and PoE at the same time. I would HATE that and feel I would be missing out on both at the same time.
Yes it's sad we won't get a new league however PoE 2 is just around the corner so we can experience and focus on this. After we tested some PoE 2 a fresh new 3.26 league will be ready for us.
there will be people who wont be able to play poe 2 because it's early access by paying even so, poe 1 is more of an hack and slay Arpg and poe2 seems to be more an soulslike arpg type so either way there will be alot of poe 1 enjoyers who wont be able to play any new poe content neither poe 1 or 2 over the holidays.
Ok so if the people can't afford a 20$ supporter pack to get a key then just skip it and celebrate the holidays or play something else. Releasing a new league now would totally destroy PoE 2 schedule and everyone playing PoE 2 would feel stressed out constantly
Сообщение_Keijo_#296031 окт. 2024 г., 18:37:03