Path of Exile 3.26 Expansion Timeline

Can I make Private League versions of this event?
Why ?
Krasis MVP chatter here. GGG B team strikes again
This is so lame and disappointing... Boring stuff GGG :(
Please GGG, can we also have a Gold Drop buff for us casuals that cannot run T17 in 5 seconds?
This is already making me start to dislike Poe 2 if it is killing Poe 1 already. Not a good sign of the future. I will not be buying anymore supporter packs or points unless something major changes.
Последняя редакция: AutoMatrixEH#6633. Время: 1 нояб. 2024 г., 1:30:14
Hans_Rudi написал:
Please GGG, can we also have a Gold Drop buff for us casuals that cannot run T17 in 5 seconds?

I hope it won't happen.
Meh, I was hoping for Endless Delve until 3.26 launch.
Maybe remove gold cost from Faustus? (Nice time to test i think). And maybe you return ToTA to league too? U can do it without top tattoos, if u so much don't like fun. Just return ToTA and don't kill it profits.
i am disapointed.

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