Path of Exile 3.26 Expansion Timeline

KogaYamaguchi написал:
Big L

Christmas leagues are the best. You should have delayed POE 2 to late January and made a POE 1 league MID december. 95% of your players dont want POE 2 to delay POE 1.

Same, please delay PoE 2 and made a new PoE 1 league in December 24

That would be the right way.
but Poe 2 will not affect Poe 1....!
Nice ! Thank you !
GGG wins over all
Noice, thanks for the update guys.
Good to have information but this is really sad that you again lied to us. Poe 2 was suposed to be other game with other team working on it not be at the expense of Poe 1 expansions... You released only 2 leagues this year and hope that something like adding just necropolis league to the game will make us happy for another 3 months because you wasting all poe 1 team time to make poe 2? [Removed by Support]
Harvest league FTW ( not the garden! ) - Unique way of achieving crafts, just add window to hideout comers to click on station, they add item, pick craft, click craft, on seller window pops out to confirm - WOW INSANELY HARD TO IMPLEMENT. STOP NERFING, Bring back old loot, bring back fun again!
Последняя редакция: Jarod_GGG#0000. Время: 1 нояб. 2024 г., 13:30:15
Sadly Settlers been one of the most hated league by me. Since to level up the city took so much work and effort, made me rage quit many times.

And now its the 2nd round. One of the saddest news this year.
What's the reasoning behind the lantern mods being the same for everyone? Why not have it the same as Necropolis where it's random? Feels bad doing scrying and everything for a map you want to run just to get bad lantern rolls hour after hour.
MightyYoshi83 написал:
Shini написал:
Bro lies after lies. First poe 1 and 2 were split into two games. Then they said poe 2 won't delay new leagues for poe1 and now we get league each 6 months. Great.

Maybe just scrap poe2 and focus on first game.

That's exactly my thought. I'm really disappointed with GGG...

ggg no longer exists. 100 % belongs Tencent Sixjoy.
and no Chris.

I would be happy nearly any league mechanic. Just please do not force us to interact with Kingsmarch again. Please GGG dont do this.
Enchants locked behind extremely rare runes that are unobtainable in SSF, and cost a lot in trade. The city takes more effort than anything else to play the game.

This is kinda like a whole new league. I was actually looking for a reason to start a new character and now I have it. Thank you.
and why is there no video with an apology?)
because this news is FAR worse than the first one.

Imagine you have lived in a house for 15 years, and for the last couple of years you have decided to develop a borehole for water. But the subsoil is hard, and it takes time to develop at least several months. Masters said it will be ready next 2025.

BUT Suddenly (in October), you decide not to pay the bills for water delivery.

Whanganui Chronicle 06/08/2025:
In Brunswick, a Well Master found a dried-up corpse. It was a good 50-year-old man who was engaged in carpentry. His Boxes were famous throughout the county.

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