Path of Exile 3.26 Expansion Timeline

Rixxth написал:
We should start a petition thread to have this decision overturned, if you're going to delay poe2, then give us new fresh poe1 league, you're pushing away your returning players..

you promise us poe2 would never delay or interfere with poe1 leagues and decide with some internal discussion that this is the very first thing you will do with poe2?

this leaves a very sour taste in my mouth, and im sure many other players agree with me, you can't just throw 2 league mechanics together from past leagues as some patch to try to appease the player base... its insulting, especially after the promises made to us.

not to mention poe2 is a paid to participate beta, so most players are stuck waiting till the new year to resume playing? abit harsh, merry christmas from GGG i guess.

I'm also quite dissapointed but what you expect them to do? Develop a new league mechanic in just few weeks, apply all necessary changes and launch the league just month before PoE2 EA? The event is underwhelming that's true and I really hope they can add some extra to it like Crucible otherwise I don't really see little more currency to be a good reason to play it but everyone has a different taste. The beginnings of PoE2 also mean some sacrifices for PoE1 (I really do hope that these are just temporary) but that was quite expected to be honest.
Why are you all complaining?
We have 3.26 league at home.
this is joke, right? u literally fcked poe1 for game which not existence right now.

SO FCKIN SAD, dissapointed
Well, its worth comming back and losing all progress for 4% chance to drop chaos orbs 1 time a day for 1 hour
yep, totally worth it, take my money

not only this is trash but it losts its unique style, now everyone gets same drops, people will wait in discord servers for pings, what a dead mechanic, there is no point, this change is trash, we wont feel "lucky" anymore, guess we are all just stupid sheeps

waiting for diablo 5 then
If this is only a coms thingy: "being one of the most successful leagues ever" (i know it's hard to grasp for a lot of people but numbers can be very misleading ..) that is fine .. go take time, fix your sh*t and get back on track with the original intent(in case you're wondering ... games are supposed to be fun[outrageous to have standards i know]).

However if you truly mean that .. then someone needs to burst your bubble over there: You guys are so high on your own supply, it transcends rhyme&reason.

Might as well shut down PoE1 at this point then; save & redistribute all existing assets before they are completely burned and cease operations immediately since half-a**ing an already very flawed and damaged project won't do anything anymore but dragging the inevitable out further and thus cause more "total damage" to both the cause and the organisation long-term.

Also then i'd like to openly ask for some option to withdraw&refund any and all support previously given to your company, something like 0.5$ on every 1$ spent as an amazon gift card maybe? Somewhere along those lines.

Hugs and kisses lads :)
Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0
Последняя редакция: yetagainAGAIN#7241. Время: 1 нояб. 2024 г., 20:32:23
As much as I look forward to Poe 1 expansions, I'd rather have it delayed and be a good expansion as well as polished. Maybe they can even try not to break everybody's build and nerf everything to the ground for a change.

Maybe they can give us some more teasers about Poe 2.0 in the meantime - particularly, more info on the skill classes and skills.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
PoE 1 financed the development of Poe 2. It was the PoE 1 players and the PoE 1 community buying MTX and Tabs and whatnot providing the required bucks. This was fine because there was a steady flow of new PoE 1 leagues.

Now for the upcoming holiday season PoE 1 players will have the choice of shelling out money to be able to play PoE 2 Beta. Or they could join that PoE 1 3.25 "event" which is simply bland, uninspired and uninteresting. I really wonder who approved of this.

Dear GGG, I can understand that you want to push the new shiny thing you worked on for so long. It certainly looks nice and promising. But by putting the focus solely on Poe 2 in an nearly autistic fashion you give the impression that the PoE 1 community is no longer of priority. I am disappointed; I dont like it. And this hurts because I know that GGG is capable of doing much better.
Settlers was so good simply resetting it makes you LOGIN
I know you are focusing on POE2,But not impact POE1,it's a bad decision.Bty,the expansion Mod is so boring.

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