Path of Exile 3.26 Expansion Timeline

Add Crucible to here.
Add Krangled Passives and I will Login. Just make sure trickster will not remain the best.
I think what people are offended by is the fact that GGG said PoE2 wouldn't mess with PoE1. It doesn't take much to see they're prepping to try to kill off PoE1 or make it some sort of "retro" PoE that has a dedicated few fanbase, and make big updates every now and then. The 3-4 leagues per year will drop to 2 leagues, one every 6 months most likely as they put all their focus into PoE2.

And the problem with that is PoE2 is a completely different game than PoE1, with a completely different playstyle. It's actually dumbed down quite a lot and less build diverse, while being so much harder.

Like, I don't even have much interest in PoE2 to be honest. I've played PoE1 for 11 years now, and I intend to keep playing it, because I prefer the faster, more controllable playstyle. But now the game I love is going to be put on the sidelines for years and years, probably forever, with infrequent updates.

Have you seen the last patch notes for this league? There are some critical, game breaking bugs and features they could fix, yet they have 100% their attention on PoE2 that they haven't, and don't intend to do anything. This league there was only 2 "feature" based patches the entire league which is lower than their 3-4 anyway.

Yes, games get old, and they get updated to new games. Let's take Guild Wars -> Guild Wars 2 transition. It was a good sequel because the gameplay was pretty much the same overall. This new PoE2 is SO different than I have zero interest in it as a PoE1 player. So they're, as I said, going to kill PoE1 and its gameplay style, killing off a decent playerbase who have no interest in PoE2, so they can focus on their experimental pet project. PoE2 will never be as successful as PoE1, it just won't. It'll be like Last Epoch, huge hype, but the gameplay itself won't appeal to a more broader audience like PoE1 did.

So it's possible PoE2 may fail and they'll pull a 180 and go back to PoE1, but even if it doesn't fail, they'll keep focusing on it while PoE1 dies just enough to lose 95% of the player base, then we'll be seeing 3000 people online while their pet project might see a Last Epoch decline down to a few thousand too.

They need to split teams. GGG is a for profit business and according to their annual report are making enough profit to hire a second team, focusing on PoE1 while their main team experiments with PoE2. [Removed by Support]
Последняя редакция: Jarod_GGG#0000. Время: 2 нояб. 2024 г., 9:50:58
Can i finish the unfinished challenges in this event ?
The event probably sounds good for someone who didn't play the league yet.
I personally can't imagine starting the whole kingsmarch from scratch (so soon), neither do I think a mystery box is that great of a reward.
Still, got more time to finish some challenges now so the extended league is welcome.

6 month league? LOGOUT

You should have just delayed POE 2 **EARLY ACCESS** by a few extra weeks.
HELL YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even left the comment when PoE2 got pushed back that I hope PoE1 expansion would be pushed back to play more of this league as this league ROCKS. TY GGG TY
never did i thought i would sell 1 chaos stuff twice in a league
Artamiz написал:
Yea i am not buying this.We had 2 leagues this year and i cant rember last time they held the league cycle of a new league every 3 months .I love this company and i support it fully but how much goodwill can you have.You are damn fast to push out sales and mtx and forget whats the most important and thats the game itself.

Well said

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