Path of Exile 3.26 Expansion Timeline

3.26 when GGG? SSF can keep me occupied only this long
They are not capable of maintaining both games at the same time. Now, POE1 leagues will last 6 to 9 months because POE2 is a priority, and little by little, those who prefer POE1 will not return if this continues. Nobody wants a six-month league. Many players leave the league after three weeks or a month because they’ve already done everything. If they expect to keep POE1 going for so many months with the same league, it’s not going to work...

In my personal opinion, and without intending to offend, if you can’t maintain both games, you shouldn’t have made two games. You have many loyal POE1 players who don’t like POE2. I suppose it’s better to lose those players to improve POE2? A strange logic, but it’s clear that POE1 is no longer a priority. Using a mechanic from a previous league to stretch out the current one only confirms what I’m saying: you don’t have the resources, ability, or desire to dedicate time to POE1, just to improve POE2.

Anyway, I still hold onto a tiny ray of hope that POE1 will return with a good league and that it will only last 3 or 4 months (as was customary in recent leagues) before releasing another one. Because if you drag out another league in such a... clumsy way (I can’t think of a better word), many people will jump ship. This is already being discussed in many places.
A slow and miserable end for one of the best games ever.

Delayed leagues will lead to lower engagement which will lead to less resources.

Very sad.
That's what I'm afraid of. It might not be what you're aiming for, but that's exactly the effect you're going to achieve. If you don't react, GGG, you're going to lose your "customer base," your loyal users. It's a lousy move to do this to them. The streamers who give you the thumbs-up won't make up for the loss of income from having fewer players.

In case it's not clear what I mean, let me explain better: POE2 has attracted a lot of new players—this is undeniable. But the majority of these players are "casual gamers," and this type of player has a problem that's not in your favor: "they don't stick around." Casuals come, play, and leave, and 90% of them will never return. If you're lucky, the remaining few might come back in a few years.

I suppose you think it's worth it. From the outside, everything looks different, and it's easy to speculate. For you, losing loyal POE1 players must not be an issue, or you wouldn't be pulling this kind of move on them 😅
"We’re looking to announce this new league in early 2025 (think late January) however we have to remain flexible with this window as releasing an entirely new project can come with challenges that we cannot predict."

An announcement about the delay is coming out. Wait and wait some more. I expected so.
How long do we have to wait? Can you at least say something.
I'm surprised by the lack of communication from GGG. I always felt that GGG is one of the very few companies in the gaming industry that really cares about a dialogue with their players. Just a tiny bit of information about the plans for the future regarding PoE1, every little bit would be appreciated.

I'm really afraid that this is the silence before the storm, the end of Path Of Exile as we know it. I'm so done with Necro Settlers, and for me PoE2 is no alternative, except I'd play the game with 10fps.

Please GGG, give us something finally after all those months.
Shame that GGG forget about poe1 base. I gave a try to poe2, had like 50 60hours, and i wont return to that game. Its the last fun arpg i ve ever played. Hope we wont be forgotten poe 1 playerbase.
Probably the Fangs of Asterkarn expansion for Grim Dawn will come out sooner than a new POE1 league as this keeps going on, at least we have that, Grim Dawn is not as good as POE1, but it's still a very good ARPG, it's my second choice after POE1.

If POE1 is never the same again because of POE2, I think I'll go back to playing WOW 🤣🤣
Yea, but there is LE and new promising aRPG is comming out soon. But things are not looking good rn for me as a POE1 fan who is playing from torment league. Worst thing for me is that GGG lie a bit that poe2 wont affect poe, they could say instantly that poe 2 will eat poe1

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