Path of Exile 2 Early Access FAQ

Apart from buying it for PC, are there any ways that PS5 users will be able
To receive the T-shirt/hoodie? I heard they aren’t available on the Xbox.

Do you know if there will be an official Chinese version of poe2?
The FAQ above advises that the keys need to be redeemed through the relevant store, but this is different from your Early Access page which states to redeem the key on the Path of Exile website...

If I'm providing this to a friend where do they redeem this key?

Wording from the Early Access Page:

+1 Path of Exile 2 Early Access Key
Used: false
This key can be redeemed on the Path of Exile website.

[UPDATE] I located this!
Keys that are supposed to be redeemed on the Path of Exile site can be redeemed by going to the Shop > Redeem Key page (
Последняя редакция: AlcyonePleiades#6077. Время: 28 нояб. 2024 г., 11:51:01
Thanks for trebling EA price for Africa overnight. Shows us what you think of us.
Sorry if this is explained on the FAQ, maybe I didn't see it, maybe my english skills are not as good as I thought, but here's my question:

I bought the King of the Faridun Supporter Pack on Steam, which is already linked to my PoE account.. If I link my Sony account to my PoE account. Will I be able to play early access on PS5 or do I need to buy an extra Key?
I am not familiar with the terminology being used here:

they will just go to a league called Early Access (so they will never be in Standard.)

Question 1: So, I will not be able to continue using the character I create in Early Access to continue on when the Full Game is released?

Questions 2: Standard is the full game after Early Access?

Will it be possible to use points to buy extra EA keys? I'd love another way to use the new supporter packs to show off why I'm so excited with people once this opens up.
Nezthulra#3341 написал:
I am not familiar with the terminology being used here:

they will just go to a league called Early Access (so they will never be in Standard.)

Question 1: So, I will not be able to continue using the character I create in Early Access to continue on when the Full Game is released?

Questions 2: Standard is the full game after Early Access?

Q1 is not really relevant as nobody plays anything but leagues in poe. So people will create new characters multiple times per year as long as they are not planning on playing standard mode, which is not really challenging to most players, cuz it all comes down to a lot of min-maxing in this gamemode.

Q2: Standard is referring to a poe game mode that all characters are converted to, when the corresponding league ends. It has nothing to do with the game beeing complete.

(This is what poe 1 looked like at least. No idea how this will be handled in poe2.)
PoE 2 will be in Geforce Now at 6th December?
I hope support will see me here and will solve my problem with purchase)))
I just want to play...

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