Path of Exile 2 Early Access Pre-Download Information

kacaks#8445 написал:
Is there some information about mac availability and time frame when it will be available to mac users?

Unfortunately Path of Exile 2 will not be available on MacOS at the start of Early Access, but we’re keen to add support for this platform as soon as possible.

Последняя редакция: borek87#6107. Время: 3 дек. 2024 г., 7:51:59
Actordaz#0976 написал:
Unclecab#2147 написал:
"PlayStation - Founder's packs should go live 24 hours before Early Access starts. Purchasing one of these packs should allow for pre-download on PS5."

Does that mean the founder's pack I bought for PC only allows me to play on PC and not PS5 ?

Correct coz Sony are backwards with these things. Unless you buy it from the sony store you can't play it on ps5

Damn that sucks, I did not know that. Thank you for clariryfing though, have a nice day !
Can we use the GGG launcher, even if i bought on steam?
What if we got it from Steam?

And are your servers ready for the start?
steam chart numbers are going to look really bad if you're gonna force everyone to use standalone client, please add predownload to steam aswell!!
Steam? Any info on pre down? Even few hrs would help.
So hyped! See you on Friday. This is going to be huge for us console players—finally, we get to play with the whole community!

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