Path of Exile 2 Early Access Pre-Download Information

I don't know why ggg doesn't put the value of the PlayStation package, it's messing around to show how many people don't give a shit about playing
Последняя редакция: fariarvs165#9826. Время: 3 дек. 2024 г., 14:25:19
Steam Preload plxx!
Relationship#0359 написал:
Shamuskie#4073 написал:
StalinsGhost#5437 написал:
Please make this available for steam predownload as well!

^ This, there's a lot of us that would rather play this on steam than the standalone client. I get you wanna stop data mining, but you're only gonna prevent the info from hitting for maybe 24 hrs tops. Once EA launches, that shit will be on the web within 2-3 hours. If people really don't wanna be spoiled, then the real solution is to just stay off social media/reddit/youtube. This really isn't that big of an issue as people are making it out to be, it's simply being blown up into one because of ill-founded concerns. Just give everyone the pre-download the day before on all platforms and be over this issue GGG.

This is not a limitation of GGG. Steam has literal rules on what they allow timeframe wise when it comes to pre-downloading man.

You are 100% wrong, can definitely pre-download games on steam. You simply get all but a couple critical files, so when the game does get released, it verifies and downloads those files and you're good to go. It's there specifically to help people with slower download speeds, but also helps limit piracy and other such things. Again GGG's worries are completely for naught.


This is not a limitation issue. It's a Jonathon having a moral issue about datamining.
can we have steam pre-download too?
Steam option please as i use steam for POE1 and when the code offered both i thought both would be available early.
Obrigado GGG comunidade xbox agradece.

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