Path of Exile 2 - Ascendancy Classes in Early Access

The block ascendency branch seems quite weak true. While it works with shield lowered, the nerf affects even with shield up. SO it feels more a sidegrade.

The only 2 ascendencies that made me want to play them are Titan and The Witchhunter.

I originally wanted to play a sorceress as my first character but the ascendencies look so unfun that I will skip her for now.
Please, I'm new to the game. I would like to know if after choosing an ascendancy and farming a lot in the game, I can put points in all the ascendancy skills or do I have to choose some skills over others? Thanks in advance.
janderspferreira#3323 написал:
Please, I'm new to the game. I would like to know if after choosing an ascendancy and farming a lot in the game, I can put points in all the ascendancy skills or do I have to choose some skills over others? Thanks in advance.

One ascendency per character.
janderspferreira#3323 написал:
Please, I'm new to the game. I would like to know if after choosing an ascendancy and farming a lot in the game, I can put points in all the ascendancy skills or do I have to choose some skills over others? Thanks in advance.

8 Points. You can get 4 big nodes at most.
janderspferreira#3323 написал:
Please, I'm new to the game. I would like to know if after choosing an ascendancy and farming a lot in the game, I can put points in all the ascendancy skills or do I have to choose some skills over others? Thanks in advance.

You will only have 8 ascendancy points so you can spend them on 4 small nodes and 4 big ones.
Wait, wasn't there a node for one of the monk's ascendancies where you basically had MoM? Am i crazy or did they gut it lol
wHaT a NiCe GuY!
gemling legionare seems very stronk waiting for musk to make a buildguide...
Weis3n#0926 написал:
Blood Mage 1% crit bonus per 20 life nerfed to 1% per 40 life. But why? It's already inferior compared to infernalist and stormweaver for spell caster. How come it only gets 8 ascendancy notables (one of which is mandatory), compared to 11 of infernalist and 10 of stormweaver, and still gets nerfed by half before release?


Also I have to say I really hate the forced first 2 nodes just in general. Taking away 25% of your ascendancy choices does not feel good. If it was so mandatory just add it as a default of the class the way Last Epoch grants you some effects just for taking the class. Simple. And if people complain, do the same for every class. Give each a little something from their tree "for free" just for taking the class. It would feel more thematic for everyone anyway.

Also, Gore Spike, is that max life or current life? The tooltip needs to be more specific.

Bloodmage seems broken for group play, or minion play. If orbs only drop when you kill something, both minions and party members will drastically reduce the orbs you can generate as they're taking kills.

Последняя редакция: Arisilde#2465. Время: 4 дек. 2024 г., 8:26:06

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