Path of Exile 2 - Ascendancy Classes in Early Access

thank you
I see some imba immortal builds incoming, as well as some crazy damage glass cannons :-)
What is going on here?
Just read the first 30 pages or so of the thread, but around 50% are complaints???

Some say GGG nerfed...bc they saw smthg leaked or shown in EARLY development-stages...oO
And some judge, which notes are garbage (i.e. +max life; dounle armor, stacking mana/spirit etc.) without knowing, how available any stats will be (on tree and gear). Bold that is!

And the best commentaries imo are the ones, talking about "this or that will be hard for new players..." - ähm, correct me, if I am wrong, but we ALL will be new players in PoE2, you know this, right? It can even be harder for the veterans of PoE, bc they have knowledge about skills and mechanics, that will work differently in this game...and I for myself find it harder to unlearn stuff or to replace kmowledge, than to learn stuff for the first time. Whats with you?

So, I don´t wanna tell anybody how to enjoy or hate the things unveiled already, just wanna remind, there are devs behind it, that care alot and I would humble myself a little bit before crucifing their work - bc nobody but them knows atm how the game plays.

Just my 2 cent as a casual PoE-enjoyer. And, thx to GGG for making PoE2 possible.
Последняя редакция: PaxDeSilva#6792. Время: 4 дек. 2024 г., 10:49:16
Xetruzeph#3161 написал:
pls ggg add at least 5 ascendancies for each class on release

Five is for babies, we need hundred! Thousand! Million! And some brain for those who demand things they don't understand.
So far the only one that don't make quite sense to me is the Contagious Contamination from Pathfinder will be less useful if you decide to use the elemental or bleeding concoctions behind it.

But liking the rest so far especially the blood mage.
After looking at all these again, they're all just super terrible and my god I am so disappointed.
~ Seph
MisterBones#1156 написал:
ProfWollhoven#3086 написал:
Lyutsifer665#1671 написал:
will minions be so strong that we dont even need any more power from ascendancy? is that why there is no minion stuff?

Nope, more like "minions were too strong in PoE so we won't give you a minion class for the EA of PoE2"

No, it's because they don't want minion builds to be pigeonholed into 1 or 2 ascendancies.

As it stands now, no Ascendancy matters for them. You can just pick whatever 'cause minions are there to support you, not the other way around. It might be good for some builds, but traditional "undead army" play style is not supported (doesn't mean it can't be done though; we're all creative people here).

The closest we get is Infernalist with getting 1 summon, and more spirit; or going for SRS build. But if we do this then GGG's excuse falls apart, because all minion builds would flock to this (minus the few creative ones).

As it stands right now the choice is just weird. You don't like minions, admit it. Or at least explain properly why you chose to do it this way. Just saying you don't want people to go for the same thing every time falls apart fast.

I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. I love minion classes, and in POE 2 they are just a support playstyle afterthought........
Psaakyrn#4256 написал:
QN: does the "you can use 2 copies of the same support gem in different skills" imply that you cannot normally have the same support gem in different skills?

Correct, only 1 support otherwise
sephrinx#7591 написал:
After looking at all these again, they're all just super terrible and my god I am so disappointed.

This is a completely different game. We have zero idea if they are trash or not. We don't know shit about this game. Noone does, these could all be OP AF and we wont know till this weekend.

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