Hard crashing PC locks up
I had task manager open on the side and looked at CPU usage whenever I had loading screen today.
In act 1 whenever I had loading screen, CPU usage shot up to 100% real quick for several seconds then went back down again after the load screen finished. This was even when I was dropping a couple of cores with the affinity method and disabling multi threading before changing zone. Starting from Act 2, even when multi threading was enabled while changing zones CPU usage never went above 80% in some cases, usually ~60%. Also, I've only ever had game freezing in Act 1. Friday I started my first character, had multiple PC freezes before I made it past Act 1, then no freezes in Act 2 (this was before I did any of the things written in this thread to fix it). Today I made a new character (Act 2 boss hates my first character's build, just can't kill it) and Act 1 was freezing my PC again, now I'm about 70% through Act 2 and no freezes so far in the entire act. Somebody has been sneaking into the allotment and putting top-soil on the ground... the plot thickens!
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Its not limited to act 1. My last 2 freezes have been in act 2
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" Too bad it's also been on their list for over five years in POE1. Don't count on them to fix it. They didn't last time we brought it up. |
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Could we at least hae somekind of response on this. Im not spending a dime on this game before its fixed, this is so terrible.
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having the same problem, very disapointing
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9800x3D and 4070ti super
I just built this PC so thought it was driver/component issues. Found this post and feel relieved but also sad all this time I wasted reverting and changing things. Game crashes but can hear sound move mouse. I can't do anything else. All my fans rev up and icue software defaults to basics color. I have to hard reset my pc. Последняя редакция: ShamefulWretch#6379. Время: 8 дек. 2024 г., 15:22:43
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" Same man, I had this exact same problem for years in POE1 whenever trying to use Directx12 (the default renderer for POE2), and before POE2 I set up an entirely new PC from the ground up, went to test the performance in POE1, turned on Directx12, and instantly had the whole machine lock up and have to be hard reset. It sucks but the problem is 100% on GGG and has been for years. |
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So the only official reply is in the pin with this message? "Investigating cases where some players experience crashes and have to restart their PCs." How do we even know that actually means they're talking about the loading screen lock up? Could mean anything tbh... Do they accept refunds for this use case lol, not about to just reset my computer 20 times in 2h just to play for 1h.
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Bumping for more visibility. Wish I could play
ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) When you disconnect in the lab ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
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Using a gaming laptop, used to run poe 1 just fine with vulkan. poe 2 keeps bricking my laptop to the point it crashes (blackscreens) the entire device, requiring a restart.
G14 zephyrus 2022 AMD Ryzen 7-6800HS AMD RX 6700S 16 GB RAM playing on SSD windows 23H2 Crashes mainly happen in startup (after the gears loading), if it doesnt, the game runs poorly (50-60fps) with all low settings, vulkan, FSR performance. Have tried almost every combination of ingame settings, drivers are up to date, and tried limiting cpu core affinity to no avail. Im not sure if my specs are just too outdated or if the game is unoptimized to my specific setup. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. |
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