Guild Points Donation not working

Is the same since i started a guild +1
No chance donating.... path of exile 2 failed to donate points to guild an unexpected problem occurred.

Ps - I tried to geve miself some points, just to check if the hole sistem is bugd and guess what, the game takes them no problemo XD
Последняя редакция: PlalYlen#6558. Время: 7 дек. 2024 г., 18:39:20
Same, only mine went through to the GM and he even got mail. Now those wont show up but my remaining is showing 0 but website is showing what I have left
I created a guild for myself and a friend. I'm the guild leader. I donated points myself and bought a guild stash tab successfully. 20 guild points left over.

Other member donated points to buy a second tab. I received confirmation messages in my message box on account website that donation transfer was sent to guild.

Guild did not receive any points from the donating member and his personal points were taken away.
I donated over 400 to our newly created guild. I received "Donation Successful". The points appear then disappear immediately.

Not having a single Guild stash tab is pretty annoying for a group of friends + family that play together.
Same issue donated 100 points message said successful but nothing added to guild
Guild leader added 50 points and that showed up
Hi guys, my gang just donated to our guild successfully, but can't buy the stash tabs nor can we see the coins we've donated. What do we do?
I also just donated to the guild and it didn't show up. I am not the guildmaster.
Same here, tried two times and it didn't work both times
Try to bear in mind at full launch these characters wont exist on the main realm so there is a chance the guild donations may be wasted - they will only exist in this EA realm
Solution: We thought we had the same problem. The guild leader needs to "accept" the donation through the guild management section on the site. There's an option for them, and them only, to accept donated funds.

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