Continuous Stuttering/Lag Despite Stable FPS and Internet in PoE 2 Early Access

i just started to play poE and i loved it. but its over.. because of this lag problem. farewell
yes i tough it was a good idea week ago. till yesterday and today.
It's nearly impossible to play , cannot load any map. if load it shows 240050 ms...
restarting client sometime helps mostly not.
To everyone who has networking issue even though their internet is stable, get a vpn choose a server that matches the poe2 server (i.e Frankfurt) and try that. This issue seems to be a routing network issue. Worked for me so hopefully will work for you too
Did GGG acknowledge this yet? Loving the game but it is really difficult playing with the constant 25ms > 200ms every few seconds. Changing gateway from Australia to New Zealand doesn't help. Changing instances for the area doesn't help. No packet loss on my end. Have not seen this in any other game before.
any updates on this issue?
137+ pages of complaints about latency, months after launch.
Today is the worst I've experienced, spiking from 20ms to 4000+ every few minutes.

Would absolutely LOVE if GGG would address this issue. Big fan, but c'mon guys..
game not playable every time I encounter an enemy massive stutter then game kicks me out to desktop. I don't have this issue with any other games I play ! POE 1 runs just fine
The longer this takes, the more I'm sure predictive mode is never going to be implementend in POE2.

Software development is one of the few - if not the only - industry where one publicly comment on a feature that doesn’t even exist.

I reported this issue months ago GGG wtf srsly. No one should have to pay more for a vpn in order to play the game. Stop copying ang pasting code or worrying about new features when the game is in its current state
To everyone asking if GGG has seen this, if you look back another page from this comment one of the staff has said they are looking into the problem, its almost like no one wants to take the time to look through the pages and see if anything posted would help

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