Continuous Stuttering/Lag Despite Stable FPS and Internet in PoE 2 Early Access

No se cual es el problema, cuando entro al juego tarda unos 3-5 segundos y se me pone todo en mas de 20.000ms

No baja se queda subiendo por que si, he probado en casi todos los servidores y a cambiar varias configuraciones del juego y de red y nada, tengo conexión gigabyte

Esto me pasa desde hace 2 o 3 días, antes pasaba de vez en cuando pero reiniciaba y todo correcto ahora es que lo he echo hasta 10 veces seguidas y no hay narices, me es imposible jugar y da mucha rabia, si alguien sabe algo para solucionarlo pruebo lo que sea..
Последняя редакция: nacho010170#4079. Время: 15 дек. 2024 г., 0:16:08
i am having the same issue, it need a fix fast, game is really unplayable right now for me.
RTX 4070Ti
ASUS Z980-e Gaming
32Go ram
Edit : Here are videos to illustrate the problems
Последняя редакция: HapticGoupil#5446. Время: 15 дек. 2024 г., 4:02:58
Same issue here update drivers ,not a single issue with D4 , LE .
7800x3d\6800xt ,tried different gateway not a difference
luluskim#1796 написал:

try this just type /clear in the chat and Enter. it will clear all chat records and stop the stuttering.GGG didnt optimize chat records history making CPU fluctuation and game stuttering. After clearing both chat records of trade and global channels, switch to a non-popular channel is temporary solution before GGG notice and fix this bug.

doesn't work for me, I tried everything. I guess I have to wait for some patch...GGG please
having same problem so sad im not allowed to play the game. till know i had only one day with near to no issues, but most of the time latency spikes to 4000 and only on this game.
having same problem so sad im not allowed to play the game. till know i had only one day with near to no issues, but most of the time latency spikes to 4000 and only on this game.
I'm starting to lose patience with this game...
luluskim#1796 написал:
OK guys, this may be a solution. clear the chat record by just Enter /clear in the chat.
my friend said this solution comes from reddit. just open your in game chat and type /clear and works for me. After the clear, you could switch to a non-popular channel before GGG fix this bug. at least there will be no lag spikes stuttering
lag spikes might come from overloaded links, messages and data from chat/trade channels. GGG didnt optimize chat record history making everyone's CPU repeatedly reload/overload all messages and links, which also explains why some people were ok in the first couple of days but got lag spikes stuttering later.

before Enter /clear, Enter F1, you will see crazy CPU fluctuations, but after type /clear and Enter, CPU fluctuations gone, lag spikes/stuttering gone

additionally, enter these lines in chat to clear both global and trade record history and switch to any non-popular channel xyz:
/global xyz(replace xyz with any channel number you like such as 100 247 136 etc.)
/trade xyz

This makes sense and correlates to when I freeze, I am usually trading and using the chat. When I don't use global I get no freezes it seems, ill have to do some testing and report back.
So I just tried in SSF, so I don't understand but there's people as well so your not playing solo... ?

And stutters appear as well...

F this game for now, i'm tired.
i was so hype , 100 % i wanted to play this game. But crashes and instantly rebooting my pc hits my motivation from 100 % to 0 %

i did this expierence last with windows XP xD

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