Continuous Stuttering/Lag Despite Stable FPS and Internet in PoE 2 Early Access

Lowk#4386 написал:
Found a fix that worked for me so far, but it's specific to Wifi:

Settings -> Network and Internet -> Change Adapter Options (opens new window) -> right click WiFi -> Properties (opens new window) -> Configure button -> Advanced tab -> Wireless Mode -> from the drop-down menu on the right, select IEEE 802.11b

Not sure if there's a similar setting you can change on a hard-line connection.

All week I was getting constant, game-freezing hangs that the F1 screen showed as network lag. None of the other suggested fixes on this thread or Steam made a difference, but tonight I got nearly three hours of play with zero freezes. Credit to KOLA on Steam; I hope it's a simple fix for at least one other person who's been struggling to get the game playable again!

Yoooo… so passed few weeks I have had these issues and tried everything under the sun to fix.

Like normal I’m having lag/shuttering/ network ms spikes.

I did this and played for 3 hours tonight in peak hours no issues. No issues with maps and large breaches…

Hopefully it stays this way… first time I have had hope about solving these issues


Последняя редакция: lolbam#6898. Время: 24 дек. 2024 г., 0:11:28
la_blue_girl#0819 написал:
So I changed to an ethernet cable, set my max cpu % to 95, disabled all onedrive services, changed to vulkan, and now the game runs great(minus the normal slowdowns when stuff gets hectic)

I do not get this game and engine lol

EDIT: Seriously guys, just try some of these steps. It doesn't make sense that it should work, but it did.

What is your cpu min? 95 or 100%?
GimmeZeLoot#1718 написал:
la_blue_girl#0819 написал:
So I changed to an ethernet cable, set my max cpu % to 95, disabled all onedrive services, changed to vulkan, and now the game runs great(minus the normal slowdowns when stuff gets hectic)

I do not get this game and engine lol

EDIT: Seriously guys, just try some of these steps. It doesn't make sense that it should work, but it did.

What is your cpu min? 95 or 100%?

Haven't touched it so I'm guessing 0%?

EDIT: I just realised I didn't have my ethernet cable plugged in now but it's still works fine? This is so weird lol. Was it the OneDrive services I disabled? But that sounds so out there
Последняя редакция: la_blue_girl#0819. Время: 24 дек. 2024 г., 6:13:45
Unfortunately there is no fix for that problem on players side.

I am having 25 ms ping in average, and this connection is stable on hubs (camps, hideouts etc)

But each map that i am opening have a chance to have ping jumping from 25 to 3000 every second. Whenever i go back to hideout - my ping again stable - 25 ms.
Opening another map - connection is ok - 25 ms.

It seems that some of the maps have bigger chance to have this issue (like Mire), but i am not sure that its connected somehow (Maybe this maps more offten presented on atlas?).

It seems that everytime you going inside the map - some random server is assigned to your map instance, and it seems that sometimes you getting server that in another side of the world from you. Or this "temporary" servers for your map are shared with too much people in same time. I am pretty sure that reason for this problem somewhere on GGG side, with this "server for instance" assignment and there is nothing that we can do from our side, except just skipping this "network dead instances/maps" for now.

Today testing:
Map 1: Fortress (Waystone XII) - unplayable Ping spikes to ~2000 ms, character even not moving.

Map 2: Crypt (Waystone XI) - unplayable Ping spikes to ~2000 ms, character even not moving.
Map 3: Another node of Crypt map (Waystone I) - unplayable Ping spikes to ~2000 ms, character even not moving.
Map 4: Bloodwood (Waystone I) - 25 ms stable, great.
Map 5: Again same node from map - Fortress (Waystone I) - still unplayable as before.
Map 6: Decay (Waystone II) - 25 ms stable, great.
Map 7: Anothjer node of Fortress (closer to the starting point - Waystone III) - 25 ms stable
Map 8: Again Fortress from node from Map 1 (Waystone III) - still unplayable as before.

Based on this testing i can assume now:
1. That its just some "NODES" on the atlass are corrupted. I will try this cursed fortress node later few more times to check that.
2. Type of the map doesn't really matter, because i found same type of the map in another nodes and they are work well.
3. This issue is STABLE so far. Opening maps again and again on the same "corrupted nodes" doesn't change anything - you always getting this "dead network" instance.
4. The closer your node to the starting atlas point - lesser chance to get this "dead network" instance (Not sure about that so far)

I am Lead Quality Assurance Engineer with more than 10 years experience in that area already, and it seems that i can reproduce this issue any time its needed. So contact to me please, if you interested to make some debug for that, i will be happy to help.
Последняя редакция: ZLATORUK#5508. Время: 24 дек. 2024 г., 6:33:08
ZLATORUK#5508 написал:
Unfortunately there is no fix for that problem on players side.

I am having 25 ms ping in average, and this connection is stable on hubs (camps, hideouts etc)

But each map that i am opening have a chance to have ping jumping from 25 to 3000 every second. Whenever i go back to hideout - my ping again stable - 25 ms.
Opening another map - connection is ok - 25 ms.

It seems that some of the maps have bigger chance to have this issue (like Mire), but i am not sure that its connected somehow (Maybe this maps more offten presented on atlas?).

It seems that everytime you going inside the map - some random server is assigned to your map instance, and it seems that sometimes you getting server that in another side of the world from you. Or this "temporary" servers for your map are shared with too much people in same time. I am pretty sure that reason for this problem somewhere on GGG side, with this "server for instance" assignment and there is nothing that we can do from our side, except just skipping this "network dead instances/maps" for now.

Its not certain map related, its server's issue. What i noticed, i could only play at Moscow gateway, and i had moscow instance in my hideout all the time. But when i enter a map, server throws me at Europe lets say Frankfurt or whatever, and very rarely it was Moscow instance. With exitlag i fixed this issue, but i had to configure connection manually, i picked most stable Frankfurt server for me, works great so far, im able to play this game.
Последняя редакция: GimmeZeLoot#1718. Время: 24 дек. 2024 г., 6:25:58
GGG you disappoint me. Will there be at least some kind of statement from you on this topic, or not? I'm not going to sit and wait forever until you deign to at least explain the problem to us. It's unplayable, okay? Speak normally, how much longer will this continue? I'm not interested in constantly logging into your game and seeing that it doesn't work. At least announce a deadline, what deadlines can we count on?
The last patch made the lag much worse, its borderline unplayable at this point. Cant believe GGG went on holidays with this massive problem in the game.
My north way is corupted. I cant play any map here. PING is wild as hell. All other ways works fine.
I have the same issue. Everytime I open a map it's like playing roulette - 5ms, 50ms or 5000ms. Exitlag and Lagofast can fix that problem for me but I hope GGG will do something. Not everyone likes the paid solution.
Merry Xmas

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