High CPU Usage and Low Performance in Path of Exile 2

Same issue as OP. Also every time I get to a new act, computer freezes and I need to reboot it.

Windows 11 updated.
AMD 7800X3D
RTX 2700s

"God!! When will I get to see the gd act-change cinematics?!"
Последняя редакция: manenzza#4926. Время: 11 дек. 2024 г., 4:33:56
Same issue as OP

I7 10700
RTX 3070
I'm having same issues. i7-9700K & 2070 super.
I would not expect anything interseting as answer from GGG. It's just poorly optimized EA release; it's related to many objects on screen, bad shader manipulations and underlaying performance processes I do not see into.

What I've found out, that setting nvidia cache size to "unlimited" helps in certain situations. No other things (in case your pc is healthy and enough performant) won't really help until the game is optimized more.

Cache size is discussed here before: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/qoujco/guidei_dont_know_if_you_heard_but_you_can_boost/
I wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with how the game handles CPU C-states, so maybe try messing with that in your BIOS, or hope for a patch later(I'm personally not touching my BIOS rn). The exact same thing happened during an older POE 1 league, and the underlying engine is still the same FYI

It could also be that the game is just effed for certain CPU/power combos like last time. I had to do some weird cmd Windows power mode that disabled c-states for my (then older) CPU
Последняя редакция: la_blue_girl#0819. Время: 11 дек. 2024 г., 13:37:34
Same. Every time I get to a new act or load into a new town, computer freezes and I need to reboot it. CPU overheats, goes up to 97°C
So someone had suggested elsewhere to go into task manager, details, and set affinity for POE2 to limit to 3 cores instead of 4, for example, and that kept the PC from crashing entirely, and when transitioning between zones, it does look like it still freezes occasionally, the specifics of why are not clear.
I can say that the cpu usage does spike tremendously during this time, and setting affinity to limit its usage has kept me from bricking the computer every ten minutes while playing, however, this isn't a fix, more of a workaround.
There is some rendering issue, because it's trying to grab assets to render them, and I even changed to Vulkan from directx12 to see if that would ameliorate the issue, and not necessarily changed anything, as I did notice this as an issue with BG3 until i moved to Vulkan. Underlying issues some have stated are windows updates - this could be an issue, and is somewhat too complex and time consuming for me to troubleshoot.

i5-11600K 4ghz
current drivers and updates
I7 12700
nvidia RTX 4060
same issues, goes around 80/85 max temperature in loading screens.

got some mini black screens for 0.2 sec sometimes too.

I have no problems, I have an AMD RYZEN 5600x in my system with 32GB RAM and an AMD ASUS DUAL RX 6600.
Especially as I also have the ‘AORUS-AX370-Gaming-K7’ mainboard.
I have no problems with it, my CPU utilisation with FSR is just 8% and my GPU utilisation and RAM utilisation is just 38%.
The temperature at idle is just 25 degrees, at half load it goes up to about 45 degrees, and at full load just between 60 & 78 degrees, but I'm not going crazy yet, the CPUs are designed for that!
And what's important, I'm also running Firefox / Chrome & Opera Browser + OBS and then the game !!!!
Guys, maybe you should check your system first!
E.g. CPU conductive paste, is there still enough on it?
Maybe clean the fan, or maybe install another one to optimise the circulation.
If you have installed a WAKU, set it so that the temperature does not exceed 80 degrees, which is basically the case with the new CPUs anyway, if it gets warmer than 90 degrees, the CPU will clock down anyway.
Then the system should be so that your GPU works and not the CPU, if the GPU has little memory, then the GPU & your RAM take over the work, then it is clear that you are complaining. !
If the system doesn't harmonise with each other, you can just stand in the corner and catch flies.
Also ich hab keine Probleme, ich hab einen AMD RYZEN 5600x im System mit 32GB RAM und einer AMD ASUS DUAL RX 6600.
Zumal ich auch noch das "AORUS-AX370-Gaming-K7" Mainbord habe.
Ich habe damit keine Propleme, meine CPU Auslastung mit FSR liegt gerade mal bei 8% und meine GPU Auslastung und mein RAM auslastung gerade mal mit 38%.
Die Temperatur läuft im Leerlauf bei gerade mal 25 Grad, bei halblast geht diese auf ca. 45 Grad hoch, und bei Volllast gerade mal zwischen 60 & 78 Grad, da mach ich mich aber noch nicht Wahnsinnig, die CPU`s sind dafür ausgelegt !
Und was ja noch wichtig ist, bei mir läuft "zusätzlich" der Firefox /Chrome & der Opera Browser + OBS und dann noch das Spiel !!!
Jungs ihr solltet euch vielleicht erst einmal euer System Checken!
Bsp. CPU Leitpaste, ist da noch genug drauf?
Lüfter evtl. mal Reinigen, oder evl. noch einen mit einbauen, damit die Zyrkulation Optimiert wird.
Wer eine WAKU eingebaut hat, diese so einstellen, das die Temperatur nicht über 80 Grad geht, was im Grunde bei den neuen CPU`s eh gegeben ist, wird dieser wärmer als 90 Grad, Taktet die CPU eh nach unten.
Dann sollte das System so sein, dass eure GPU Arbeitet und nicht die CPU, wenn die GPU wenig Speicher hat, dann Übernimmt die GPU & euer RAM die Arbeit, dann ist es klar das ihr am Meckern seit. !
Wenn das System nicht mit einander Harmoniert, könnt ihr euch gleich in die Ecke stellen und Fliegen fangen.
same here, i cant play the game, when i enter in a loadscreen pc freezes and just shut down

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D

Nvidia GeForce RTX 4080

Asustek computer inc rog strix b550-f gaming

2x corsair CMH32GX4M2D3600C18

Windows 11 pro N version 24h2

please fix this, can play every game in ultra, and i cant even load screen on this game

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