Addressing your Early Access Post-launch Feedback

Thank you guys for all the work.
The HCSSF experience since launch is a fucking blast i'm in love with the game, everything is perfect, the atmosphere, the graphics, the items skins, the music, the bosses, the WASD gameplay.... everything !!! Best HC experience ever !!!
Keep up the good work !
Don't listen to the SC crying baby army !!!
Will support $$$, of course !
Awesome ❤️
is the patch live yet?
Nerfing "Monkey Farming"? That was the ONE thing I was looking forward to..

Reminiscent of Mephisto farming, or Piety/Dominus runs back in the day.. Or Dried Lake farming for builds that can't handle Maps.

Now there's nothing for bricked builds to easily farm..
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Please ensure to add checkpoints to maps as well. While I love exploring the content, these maps are massive and can be punishing backtracking. Being able to teleport within a map via checkpoint would add so much QOL, even if its only 2 checkpoints. 10/10 game so far. You guys deserve even more success as a company.

Also inviting someone to party can sometimes collide with the chatbox, where clicking invite doesn't work, unless a message pushes up the request.

Please explain how this should work. Isn't a portal a defacto waypoint. I mean when you die the map is done no reason for a waypoint to exist. But perhaps I am missing something. EDIT: oh you want to teleport to different parts of the map instead of walking.
Последняя редакция: teejay_hh#7682. Время: 10 дек. 2024 г., 18:45:48
Good start. I think that there are some good bones in the game and once the balancing issues, and the bugs are worked through it can be a great game.
Love all things you're doing GGG. Just wanted to know if the new patch will be available for Playstation 5 soon? It's not on mine yet and I really wanna play poe 2 with all the new changes. Thanks guys!
Please make respecs free, you are forced to go on premade builds because of gold issues, its too expensive, if you mess one node at the start of the game if you are level 30 up you cant get to that node unless you farm for a whole day, let people experiment builds and have fun, this is not PoE 1 its PoE 2, make the game fun, people dont want to go on premade builds, I want to experiment builds and have fun while playing the game, make it way cheaper atleast or give full respecs

The recent changes to drop rates are making this feel too much like POE1 and it's losing what made POE2 special in the first place. I'm worried that if these kinds of changes keep happening until release, we'll end up with something that's lost its soul just trying to please players who only want to play one specific way and are not open for changes.
I really loved the first few days when each item drop felt special and you had to make real choices about what to keep. The challenge made you think carefully instead of just rushing through packs of monsters. Now I have to keep interrupting the combat (which I really enjoy) every 5-10 minutes just to dump junk items at vendors.

The original game design decisions really clicked with my playstyle, and I'd like these specific features to stay in place:

1) Item drop rates closer to what we had at the start - when items felt meaningful
2) Keeping respec costs high - making build choices matter
3) Skills remaining tied to weapons - this adds depth to weapon choices and character building
Последняя редакция: Morine#3510. Время: 10 дек. 2024 г., 19:07:56
Thank you for the tremendously fast and detailed updates!

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