Chayula Monk Darkness-Gamebreaking INSTANT DEATH bug, UNPLAYABLE (clips inside) (Bug ID #2850271499)

1) Hits that deplete darkness send remaining damage to HP, bypassing ES. When I sustain a large hit that depletes my Darkness but has damage left over, that damage seems to bypass my ES and hit my Life directly.

2) Something is happening that I can't quite figure out where the game is acting like I have 1 hp, and this only happens with darkness. When darkness and es hit 0, I instantly die. This happens *very rarely*, but often enough that I have several recorded clips. In all clips Darkness is 0 and ES is 0 and Life is full, but I just suddenly fall over dead. See clips below:

EDIT: At this point it is becoming clear that #2 is specifically a degen bug, and I'm sure it's tied to #3 somehow. Degen seems to *sometimes* inflict infinite damage to Darkness, even if your darkness is at 0, at which point you take infinite life damage and die instantly.
Последняя редакция: arsenicblithely#7141. Время: 12 дек. 2024 г., 17:10:38
Last bumped9 марта 2025 г., 8:15:20
3) Sometimes certain effects (seemingly DoTs) will cause Darkness to instantly deplete from full to zero. You can see in the clip I posted above of Chimera, that when I touch the ignite ground, my Darkness all instantly disappears, but then my Energy Shield depletes at a reasonable and slow rate, and then I die instantly when my Life is touched.

I think this has to do with Darkness being based on code from Dissolution of the Flesh, which interacted with Life. 🤔
I got a clip of Bug #1. This one is interesting because SOME of the damage bypasses my ES, but some does not.
They dont seem to have a test team. So much of the game has had no testing.
Like really no one at GGG looked at the monk and realized that leech is useless for the class. Leech is on phys damage only and Monk is near 100% ele damage.

Leech is over 1s so the "Instant" part is nothing. 1s is basically instant already.
The DoT bug truly exist, and it's annoying.
I hope this can be fixed as soon as possible.
Another clip of #2

At this point it is becoming clear that #2 is specifically a degen bug, and I'm sure it's tied to #3 somehow. Degen seems to *sometimes* inflict infinite damage to Darkness, even if your darkness is at 0, at which point you take infinite life damage and die instantly.
Последняя редакция: arsenicblithely#7141. Время: 11 дек. 2024 г., 13:50:21
Another clip of #2 from after today's patch, so the bug persists in the current version.
Bumping this every day. Now that I have reached maps, this bug has rendered my character completely unplayable. I die instantly at the first sign of degen, with no recourse, and lose the entire map. In campaign I could just respawn, but now it's a showstopping issue.

This is a gamebreaking bug that completely disables an entire class. Please respond :)
Последняя редакция: arsenicblithely#7141. Время: 12 дек. 2024 г., 13:27:05
I have renamed the thread title to hopefully impress upon GGG staff the severity of this bug. The class is not playable until this is fixed, please help :)
For anyone trying to deal with this issue, it can be mitigated by investing more heavily into Energy Shield. With this strategy I was able to reach maps without TOO much frustration as degen is rare enough.

Since maps are 1-death-fail, this doesn't help much once you get there.

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