Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

Freeze get's nerfed WHY cause Streamer OP Cheese makes it look broken who get's f ed for it the regular Player who's only defense in the Campain is Freeze.
Guess my Sorc will just corpse rush thru the Campain with a 1k+ deaths than seems to be what GGG intended that everything feels like trash that isn't according to them broken OP and needs to be removed. xD

GGG I am not saying leave really OP shit in but come on stop f ing the regular players by nerfing shit some Streamer made OP with 1000 million EX of Gear like seriously haven't you learned anything from 10 Years of PoE 1?
rapshade#5195 написал:
Snowpup#2014 написал:
xerailas#6537 написал:
your problem was arsonists? and no the sorc cast on build that destroys everything and freeze them? or the monk build that one-shot bosses? nice work again ggg for destroying a build and let other more op to survive

You're so far behind it's unreal. They deleted sorceress builds (unless you invest in expensive Archmage). Cast on is a worthless skill in the game now (and it wasn't even that good before the nerf; just acceptable). Catch up to the news.

I mean after the cast on nerfs, sorceress still remained the strongest class in the game with the majority of the top 100 players being stormweaver so no idea what everyone is complaining about. The changes improve sorceress damage, particularly for lightning, and the nerf is just lower electrocution build up. No idea why people are whining so much.

Yeah dude, because Archmage. Which is lightning. They keep demolishing cold though. Archmage is expensive and requires Stormweaver; Cold mage could work with Chrono or Stormweaver. Cold mage has been completely deleted (twice now). There is no alternate sorceress. We're complaining because they're forcing everyone to play easy-monk, easy Deadeye ranger, or expensive Archmage. No other classes/builds allowed apparently.

You know exactly why everyone's complaining. It just hasn't affected you so you ignore the thousands that are bricked and the diversity and fun being stripped.

Cold mage wasn't anywhere near overpowered to begin with. Doesn't matter with these amateur balancers.
Skeletal Arsonists Spirit costs now match the other two Skeleton Mages, this should result in a slight decrease in the number of Arsonists at a higher level.

a slight decrease?

-30% dmg!
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Freeze get's nerfed WHY cause Streamer OP Cheese makes it look broken who get's f ed for it the regular Player who's only defense in the Campain is Freeze.
Guess my Sorc will just corpse rush thru the Campain with a 1k+ deaths than seems to be what GGG intended that everything feels like trash that isn't according to them broken OP and needs to be removed. xD

GGG I am not saying leave really OP shit in but come on stop f ing the regular players by nerfing shit some Streamer made OP with 1000 million EX of Gear like seriously haven't you learned anything from 10 Years of PoE 1?

They don't. It's evident.
Generally speaking we are trying to do this in a way that doesn't make a build bad

The lie detector test determined this was a lie. I dont mind balance but the way you guys nerfed skills to the point where theyre unplayable is a bad way to handle it. RIP Meta gem builds. Shouldve just nerfed comet and let people keep playing with meta gems since they were having fun. No fun allowed
I find it absolutely hilarious the amount of people raging about the frost nerfs, because there are only two camps on this.

A.) People who were abusing it and perma freezing mobs and thus facing zero danger who are now mad because they might have to play a little safe or actually build some defenses


B.) People who lack any kind of reading comprehension and don't seem to understand that if they weren't perma-chain freezing mobs to begin with they likely wouldn't even know this change happened if they hadn't read it.

Holy christ people will REALLY find any reason what so ever to be mad at GGG and it's getting so old.
Gonna be a long time before a Fire witch is viable huh? The ele pen buff is nice, but you're nerfing the arsons, which is the only minion I use.
Seriously, I have almost EVERY single damage passive I can get at lv40, and my dps is still horrendous. TBH I'd really really like to pick up some defensive passives, but I can't because I'm always behind the curve.

Whatever, I'll check back in a month and see if it sucks less. I know it's EA, but allowing only a few optimized builds to proceed through the campaign is a terrible philosophy. Just hope it gets better, but not gonna hold my breath. Profoundly disappointing, GGG.
Instead of buffing other skeletons, they decided to nerf arsonist. Every summoners is basically using srs+arsonist combo now. Can you buff other minion skills so we have more viewable build?
its so insane you have to do this, after working on the game for 5 years. you have no idea what you are doing, do you?

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