Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

I'm hyped! Tbh, I think the Trial of Chaos was a bit too sadistic. I was okay with Sekhemas but Chaos was veeery tilting.
Thanks Boss
Nice changes and love the buffs to minion gems and bone skills.
Yeah ! Happy holiday you earn it :) and back with more.
frequentsee#6533 написал:
PoliJ#3172 написал:
I invested 500 exalts into my build, and after finally reaching the point where I can only farm maps (since skeletons lack the damage and survivability for league mechanics), I get hit with a 30% nerf. The funniest part is that the build already has very weak and expensive progression. So, RIP. I'm out.

See ya! You knew the build was broken, but still invested into it anyway. Good riddance.

Broken? Where are you getting your information? Are you looking at statistics cross eyed or something? Do you have astigmatism? Glaucoma? In what world were summoners broken? In the first 3 acts? the last 3 hard mode ones? Then what....When you get to the content that matters (Maps) they are the polar opposite. Kick rocks dude you don't know what you're talking about. Ironic username too, you should change it to FrequenDoesntSee
Последняя редакция: EtherealWarlock#0344. Время: 17 дек. 2024 г., 19:17:35
Chaos dmg over time? I'll take it.
Curious to see the freeze nerf impact on endgame.
- And the Earth Shall Tremble
Lixy#2668 написал:
Give us six portals back.

Skill issue
wow really nerf minions???
time to play some league and delete this garbage

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