Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

Me: Hey this build is fun! It was worth all the time and resources!

GGG: Oh... that build does looks fun! Lets.... Change That.

Not having a good time. 😩

Patch is here, tanks GGG <3
glykeria#2892 написал:
Please consider removing the 1 portal per map mechanic. It's not fun.

It´s not fun at all, pls give us at least 3 portals. 1 just sucks and is frustrating ......

And another point pls fix the pc performance/cpu usage.


we eating good tonight bois, happy holidays!
Please help me crash two characters under the same account. The one with a higher level will crash when entering the game, while the one with a lower level can enter and play. Thank you
Dima_Hatake#9600 написал:
Ascendancy still absolutely garbage, sanctum trial for 3rd ascendancy impossible for a melee! Lvl 80, resistances cap, over 10k armour, 2.6k HP and you can't do nothing!even ultimatum, same shit

Do you have honour resist cap from relics? Since you can have 75% cap or even more with max res relics
Fantastic update. Happy Holidays to all of your staff. Take a big breather, you all deserve it.
jajaja#7448 написал:
Please help me crash two characters under the same account. The one with a higher level will crash when entering the game, while the one with a lower level can enter and play. Thank you

Try this mate:

- Setup Fullscreen windowed mode
- When you get to the loading screen, press Windows button
- Wait till the game does the loading
- ???
- Profit
GGG please fixe gore spike for Bloodmage, it is not giving any crit damage bonus
Went from like 9 arsonists to 6. The build is strong but i also see monks and mercs at higher levels clearing 10 times my speed. Not sure about this

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