Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

I wish it was easier to track quests and their rewards. I was missing like 10 skillpoints and 50 resistances from campaign, because they weren't even in the queat log. Then when I found out, I had very hard time finding which ones I'm missing. Also I wish there was an option to respec quest rewards as you could do in poe1 for bandits quest. Now I'm playing low life infernalist and I need to reduce my max life as much as possible. Unfortunately I've taken +max hp and +% max hp buffs from campaign when I didn't know what I am going to be playing. Now it's a massive disadvantage, but it would be silly to go all over again the same ascendancy up to lvl 92 just for this.
Fantastic work so far hopefully, the use of duped support gems can be allowed in the future. I mean at least to a certain extent. Some ranged skills work wonderfully with split shot, but the allowance of only one support gem for one skill per characeter is a bit redundant.
Remove rarity on items , ITS SHIT
day 5 of asking for all 6 portals. I'm so tiered of getting 1 shot randomly. I just got to the last mob on a logbook, dropped a runic circle i rolled out of besides the very pixle perfect edge. DEAD. lvl 79 area. time wasted, 10% xp gone, currency lost. its fuckin terrible
The endgame is really boring and feels frustrating after those amazing acts and boss fights. You can’t lock endgame bosses behind a dull and meaningless 300-map grind and then give the player just one chance to fight the boss. There’s nothing interesting or exciting about the Atlas at the moment, huge downgrade from PoE1. I understand it's early access but it looks like some aspects of endgame are intentionally designed to be tedious. Bosses are the best part of this game, yet you’re locking them behind a nonsensical grind. Even regular map bosses aren’t easily accessible. Either make the citadels easier to find or provide checkpoints/portals for boss maps, similar to act bosses.
First off huge fan of both games and im loving PoE2 so far... nothing bad really to say about Campaign.. Maps however.. the generic maps with no modifiers are super boring.. rare hunting is meh.. i feel like every map should have the bosses they are so damn fun... the 1 life per map system is tedious and lame... and removing the only fun thing from maps (The game mechanics like breach etc) when you die is just.... bad.. then your forced to do the boring version of the map...
Please fix the crashing...
I picked chronomancer not knowing it is a support class for a farming game. Really just doesn't keep up pace with a lot of other classes. It's unique sure. I stopped playing cause I got outpaced by the market, I simply farm to slow and to do damage I had to really build glass for chrono to work. Getting some of the final pieces would take too long for my support class. So im just gonna wait for next season. I even tried refunding the game after ice comet nerf as it butchered my class too hard. Chronomancer is horribly weak. Look at top 1000 ladder. only 5 chrono's.
So next time, i'll just play a class that has a direction, I can tell druid will suck cause it will have support traits.

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