Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

I wish you happy holidays, and both you and us that both games become the best versions of themselves.
kronkén#7483 написал:
Maybe fix the crashing problem that alot of people are having. Hard crashing, soft crashing, freezing, BSOD's.. all of that is happening and not being adressed

I bought a new pc three weeks ago for this game and approaching monster hunter, I had to reset the computer over 100 times since then. I used my old pc for 4 years and I don't remember resetting it more than twice while playing poe1 or other games. This is a serious problem and I can't believe you are having the time of your lives after launching a game with so many problems..
+1 Console loot filters, Console SSF mode, better Console trading, better optimization for all platforms.

We really want this game to be great, so give us the proper tools on console so we can actually test your game during Early Access. Cant even blast End Game without loot filters.

The current state of trading on console can not be what you have planned for us correct?

Happy Holidays
I am playing on newzealand servers and I have had my account rolled back 3 times in the past 4 hours. What's going on here? My ping goes to unlimited number and I get kicked out of game. And when I log in my inventory is empty and have lost all my exalts and loot and experience gain from the waystone and lose the map modifiers as well.
How about fixing Chayula. The oversight to give a physical leech class a single good phys dmg skill is crazy. If you could do that it would be fine. Other than that give the class the ability to passively gain power charges through the flames. Also can we get an indicator whether reality rending is actually working because as far as I can tell it doesn't do anything. Also why does original sin so bad. Last thing Chaos infusion support needs a look at. It lowers your damage. Doesn't make sense.
bluknight34#4650 написал:
a physical leech class

I don't view AoC as such. Investing in Leech directly synergizes with their Flames passive. My guess is that's where design wanted to focus building. Chayula's more concerning issue is a total lack of meaningful Chaos skills/weapons/tree identity. Everything in their proximity screams "Meant For Invoker' They got 2 gimmick skills from quarterstaffs that don't jive with the leveling experience at all.
Please add a rune or give the ability to remove runes from things. Such expensive things end up in a landfill because I can’t change runes.
I feel like allowing the players to have a more immersive gameplay experience by adding different camera angle perspectives will no doubt make the game far more enjoyable and reach players who are not familiar with the normal ARPG style. From my experience playing other ARPGs like Diablo for example, it was a bit off putting for my taste because of the high camera and it made me a bit biased on if I would like path of exiles because of the same approach. But with path of exiles it kind of settled on me. The player base of this game will significantly increase by allowing players who like the traditional feel of an RPG first person perspective with allow all those who compare it to Diablo see how much better this game actually feels and plays. It gives newer, unfamiliar players a chance to at least try the game out. Path of exiles 2 is absolutely great in my opinion but the camera angle will associate it with Diablo series without someone playing it. Please think about this devs.
I hope for future hardware performance improvements soon. I really want to play and I am unable to. I know I am not the only one having issues.
I have my worst pc ever in terms of weird compatibility problems, boot up takes literal 20 minutes at times with 2x1TB SSD and 2x1TB HDD and messed up boot sequence. Some Intel I5, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM. MB no wifi so I use external and phone router, most often with burned out GB limit and on some lifeline low speed transfer. Some OC to CPU and GPU but nothing major, can't remember exact values now. Server Amsterdam.

I am too lazy to fix or reinstall, also no dusting for a year or so (though house very low dust by design). PoE 2 plays fine, no temp spikes or fan speed spikes, first few days I used outdated gpu drivers and outside of weird flashes at camp I had no problems. Had more freezes in PoE 1 on PS5 at this point, actually not sure if I had any on pc so far.

So not to dismiss anyone's problem, but if it's so bad I should be the first to have it bad, unless server side ofc.

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