Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

please fix the bug when you portal out of the trial of Sekhenas after defeating the boss, you can't come back to get your ascension. It killed all of the fun for me.
I STILL GET into a game and i paid from third party. i played 30h. now it says i dot have early access code or something.WTF. poe2 sux. give me my money back
fallia#0463 написал:
please fix the bug when you portal out of the trial of Sekhenas after defeating the boss, you can't come back to get your ascension. It killed all of the fun for me.

you could have just taken your ascension before taking a portal out. you don't need inventory room to take your ascension. skill issue lmao
I hope that after they implement the fixes for Sekhemas that they pivot to take a look at Ultimatum, because it's currently significantly overtuned. It's a level 38 area that I couldn't complete with my level 50 sorc after 12 tries.

I eventually just decided to go defeat Doryani since that's all I had left to do. Beat him on my first try and moved on to Cruel, will come back to Ultimatum either after they patch it or after i hit level 75 or 80 or something which seems like what is needed to have the kinds of damage and defenses as Sorc which the trials currently require (if you don't want to have to run them dozens of times hoping that the debuffs, trials, and bosses all line up perfectly).

I'm sure some other classes like warrior who can sponge up all the damage and basically one shot the boss would have an easier time with Ultimatum. I think if you're going to have a set of trials in the game it should be equally doable with a character level that's comparable to the level of the trial area no matter which class you're using. That goes for both Sekhemas and Ultimatum.

Oh, and that tornado that the one bird boss spawns is currently a bad mechanic. I had it spawn almost directly on top of me every time somehow, not able to run fast enough to avoid it, insta-kill. Also, around 75% of the debuffs are currently excessive. The explosion one that expands on the ground to take up 80% of the map or the entire boss arena for example, the shade that follows you and insta-fails you if it touches you 7 times, the 300% boss damage on bosses which are already one-shotting stuff, the ones which make monsters drain your health like crazy any time they touch you to the point where you can't possibly counteract it without endgame level defenses, etc...

Since you have a choice between 3 debuffs each trial and they carry through to the next trial, it's very common to end up with a choice between 3 which are all basically "game over" no matter which of them you pick.

The initial Ultimatum trial needs to either be significantly toned down, or it needs to be unlocked at a much higher level. There is no point in unlocking it at level 38 if the average level 38 player doesn't have any realistic hope of completing it within a reasonable number of attempts.
Последняя редакция: rawdmon#8799. Время: 31 дек. 2024 г., 13:18:41
When we will have the patch? thanks.
Trials are complete garbage and need to be tossed in the dumpster.
Allow portals to remain after death. closing a map due to your buggy mess is disrespectful of your customers time. EA or not, you are taking my money for the game and selling cosmetics, so expect criticism. And in its current state POE1 is a much better product vs POE2.
You are paying for the cosmetics. As far as I can tell you are getting your money's worth. YOU aren't paying even 1 penny for the actual game itself. The servers are free any anyone with a code even gifted to them can play it without putting in a single cent of their own money so stop complaining.
after 252 hours , i must stay i dont have fun anymore for those reason :
1 : magif find stacking is not fun at all
2 : the market price are broken
3 : minion are not powerful enought and get stuck A LOT

so yea , until a league start for a clean market, i put the game on pause sadly
Jamanra the Abomination is the worst boss I've ever seen in probably any game. Also congrats on a half a month holiday lmao

you need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel that already worked. no one is trying to make a new wheel.

you sacrificed gameplay quality for visual quality. the amount of garbage that you can't see because effect overlap to terrain is pathetic.

it's really weird how you unlearnt so many lessons in poe2. skills are unbalanced. 0 meaningful loot. all trash uniques. why do you make gold drop in random amounts to clutter the screen? you're stuck in some masochist life set in the early 00's where you feel the need to piss players off. congrats. 0 replayability.

bosses don't feel good. can you really see players coming back for such a slog of a campaign every three months with added mechanics that can potentially make leagues harder like necropolis?

Последняя редакция: toxiitea#5772. Время: 31 дек. 2024 г., 18:04:57
also when is a patch
Последняя редакция: toxiitea#5772. Время: 31 дек. 2024 г., 18:07:52

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