Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

We need a damn optimization patch ASAP bruh...yall know the ship runs terribly on ps5..I need a refund bruh
On death affixes are horrendous gameplay, please never have them in the game again.

I think crits on players should be removed from the game. It is a 100% negative experience to have RNG defenses.

Reflected damage is bad unless it's low and you can react to it instead of instantly one shotting yourself if you didn't see the affix. I don't know if this is in PoE2, but some comments have mentioned it.

Sanctum was the worst PoE1 league which locked out melee from playing the game. That mistake was repeated in PoE2, as required content. I haven't played melee in PoE2 yet, but I don't believe these honor damage nerfs help enough.

Runes.. we need a way to clear runes from socketed gear. If you get another piece of gear which covers something you socketed (ie cold res), you're now overcapped and have a useless stat (unless everything is overcapped). While I'd much rather have the ability to socket and unsocket at will, I doubt the team want to have that much freedom (yet). That, or the ability to salvage the piece of gear and get the rune back.

Anyway, I hope the balance tuning doesn't go too far into players' wishes for nerfs to content. PoE2 is supposed to be slower and more punishing than PoE1 (like Ruthless), and a lot of us like the change. If PoE2 turns into PoE1 again then, well, there's no point for PoE2 to exist.
I don't mean to sound rude, but I can't help the way people interpret my words.
love the game keep up the updates
Do we have a rough time frame for when this patch is dropping?
Jez they are so many broken things and balance issue, do you guys really need to play whack a mole with popular builds, the only minion build that is nice... While all other minions are absolutely terrible. Worst part is nerfing all the cute egirls that finally came to play poe, wtf is wrong with you guys, dont you dare scare them away!

NO, im not trolling i actually like watching cute girls on the internet...
" написал:
Since launch we’ve unfortunately had to nerf a few skills that were far too overpowered. How do we define overpowered? Basically it's a situation in which a certain skill is so powerful that players feel no other method of playing the game is viable.

Well done! You've just described the spark build for Sorceress! Because absolutely nothing else is viable in higher endgame content. Cold in particular, with 2 nerfs in a row now, has gotten worse with every patch.
Последняя редакция: MoxisUK#7897. Время: 16 дек. 2024 г., 18:29:01
Thank you, happy holidays GGG :)
Nice. I hope we get a more detailed workthrough.
"It is now more difficult to chain-freeze enemies by reducing the amount of Freeze Buildup applied after a Freeze has been applied."

does this mean freeze multiple enemies in a chain or chain freeze a singular enemy.
I genuinely don't understand how you can throw nerfs on spell casters and minions and then decide to take vacation. It makes no sense.

Look up some data, what's the most used skills?
Highest lvled players, what skills are they using?

Stormweaver with spark
Deadeye with LA
Invoker melee

These 3 is what should be nerfed.

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