Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements
Only DOT chaos?
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" They're absolutely bad at their job. Whoever is deciding these changes has never bothered making a character in a test environment and *checking* stuff for. Hell, they aren't even opening a calculator to see what'll happen. I have never, ever seen such total incompetence when it comes to balancing. There is no excuse. |
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Remove honor and make chaos negative effects half of what they are now. The honor system of trails are the worst game mechanic I've seen in years of gaming. It makes energy shield and armor useless and always will. It needs to be reworked or removed all together. People will quit the game if they waste hour upon hour with only frustration.
Trails also got the worst bosses in the game. The damage immune is way to long on the floor 3 boss of trails. The chaos lion boss is all over the place and feels more like a workout than a boss fight. |
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patch notes wen
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Feature request: Turn off namelock option for every individual skill
If I leap slam in place one more time because the monster I clicked on ran up to me during the 27 second windup for leap slam, I'm going to lose my mind. Just kidding, I've already lost my mind, but this would be such a great quality of life feature. Последняя редакция: boof#2056. Время: 16 дек. 2024 г., 19:49:37
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thank you!
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Nice! Please just don't completely nerf ligtning damage...
What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?
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Seems like a step in the right direction.
However, the honor system needs a lot more work than just the honor loss bug fix, and the ranged-based honor loss change. As a warrior right now, its literally impossible to clear Sekhema when you first encounter it. As for buff's and debuff's.... The sorcerer seriously needs boosted in a general sense. Especially lightning. I finally quit playing my sorcerer and went to a monk. Enemies and bosses my sorcerer could not handle in the least, my monk walked right through like it was nothing at all. And, I would like to address another issue. Many people are finding a lot of gear in the game. Some more so than others. I am finding so little in the way of gear and currency items that its not funny (and people don't beleive me when I say it). Even when I do get Rare (I am not worried about finding legendary/orange gear right now) gear, it ALWAYS has horrible stats. And, even on my monk... I am starting to feel the drag of gear that is way past its prime and usefulness. I have rarity gear on to try and get better items, but.. it usually takes me like 3 full area maps (NOT end game maps, standard ACT maps) to find one, maybe 2, pieces of yellow gear. What I get most for drops is augmentation orbs and gems. Thats pretty much it. Can you please do something? I have no idea what.. but I am sick of never finding anything. My POE2 life is perpetual blue drops (with horrible rolls). I have very little currency because I wasted everything trying to barely get my monk equipped to handle higher tier better (I'm not the best gamer, so I need gear to balance my lack of abilities). Early on when I was on my very first character (the sorcerer I mentioned I stopped playing), I was level 14 and hadn't found a single rare or legendary item at all. And the best staff I had didn't have ANY damage rolls at all. Some other players took pity on me and gave me some gear to get me by. The difference going from a junk blue item to a yellow item with damage on it was almost enough to make me weep in joy. Not sure what you could possibly do.. But the game feels like it hates me. If I didn't know better, I would swear that rarity gear was ensuring I never find anything of a higher rarity. If rarity works, Can I get like 200 rarity so I can get a few more items dropped? haha. Just don't go full Diablo III loot drop. That is arguably worse. lol I Just want gear I can push forward with. Nothing more. Well, that and stuff to sell for gold. I have never had more than 40k gold at one time. I'm sitting at about 14k right now in-game. I have also not unlocked the trade system on any characters. Not that it would do me any good.. I don't have anything to trade anyway. Especially not currency. |
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Having so much fun with POE2, and I can't wait to see how these changes impact the game. Have a great holiday GGG!
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30-40% nerf is slightly? these devs are out of touch
people play arsonists because everything else sucks (no aoe), after nerf everything else still sucks but arsonists now suck as well people will still play arsonists, just not going to have any fun doing it whats wrong with these devs, no wonder poe1 went out of their hands, they have no idea how to balance a game this game is basically a blizzard game, great art direction and graphics, but the actual gameplay is bad, balance is also bad and keeps getting worse why is spark untouched? more than 50% of the top 1000 in the ladder is archmage spark Последняя редакция: Hoelun#0576. Время: 16 дек. 2024 г., 19:51:39
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