So when do these changes hit?
Сообщениеflclkun#063016 дек. 2024 г., 19:00:39
I've yet to see it mentioned anywhere, but as an ARPG fan since D2 who avoided POE 1 solely due to ridiculous talent trees (with traps no less), my group bounced off of POE 2 after a couple of days of grouped play and currently have no plans to return.
I purchased the $29.99 EA tier 3 times so I could play with my partner and a close friend we've been playing Last Epoch with for a few months now. We all played with controllers through Steam and were all turned off immediately by the lack of individual loot options and the inability to trade legendaries without leveling to 25 (even though the legendary dropped while grouped). The temporary player loot is annoying at best as the timer ends before most mobs are killed and rarely results in picking up "your" loot if someone else isn't paying attention, and with the majority of the best loot found on vendors (at least in the early game) we all want to sell what we can to make sure we can afford the item(s) when they appear.
Splitting up to complete maps also turned out to be counter to what we expected coming from Last Epoch/Diablo 4. When splitting up to look for the map objectives (bosses, altars, etc) we repeatedly ran into issues with exp/loot/objectives not sharing if someone was "off screen" of the others, having to reset and re-do maps because someone clicked a rusty altar not realizing the others wouldn't get credit, insanity.
I know this is still early access, but at this point at least 4 of us are going to wait until it's released to see if grouping becomes worthwhile before we give this another look. There are plenty of other good co-op games to play, and at the moment this is far from one of them.
Just change the party loot to individual loot then so you don't have to share?
Сообщениеottsor#113516 дек. 2024 г., 19:00:43
why is the game getting easier and easier? :)
СообщениеTaurnoceros#385916 дек. 2024 г., 19:01:09
I've yet to see it mentioned anywhere, but as an ARPG fan since D2 who avoided POE 1 solely due to ridiculous talent trees (with traps no less), my group bounced off of POE 2 after a couple of days of grouped play and currently have no plans to return.
I purchased the $29.99 EA tier 3 times so I could play with my partner and a close friend we've been playing Last Epoch with for a few months now. We all played with controllers through Steam and were all turned off immediately by the lack of individual loot options and the inability to trade legendaries without leveling to 25 (even though the legendary dropped while grouped). The temporary player loot is annoying at best as the timer ends before most mobs are killed and rarely results in picking up "your" loot if someone else isn't paying attention, and with the majority of the best loot found on vendors (at least in the early game) we all want to sell what we can to make sure we can afford the item(s) when they appear.
Splitting up to complete maps also turned out to be counter to what we expected coming from Last Epoch/Diablo 4. When splitting up to look for the map objectives (bosses, altars, etc) we repeatedly ran into issues with exp/loot/objectives not sharing if someone was "off screen" of the others, having to reset and re-do maps because someone clicked a rusty altar not realizing the others wouldn't get credit, insanity.
I know this is still early access, but at this point at least 4 of us are going to wait until it's released to see if grouping becomes worthwhile before we give this another look. There are plenty of other good co-op games to play, and at the moment this is far from one of them.
sadly you will hate endgame more as playing with a partner will be boring when they die as there is only 1 life. Co-op was heavily marketed, especially with couch co-op and this is what drew me and my partner in too. Finding out that playing together is almost impossible at end game is making us both want to quit.
Big W
Will you make christmas event with Santa hats?
СообщениеNrg#948516 дек. 2024 г., 19:03:07
I can't wait for more content to get added that will expand our build choices
I have one and only one input for this game pls don't put ascendancy behind roguelite mechanic it is frustrating the fact that I need to run 3-floor ascendancy with a ton of debuff is very disappointing, I know the key is cheap but have some mercy for player I already waste my time over 30-40 hour on campaign is it that hard to eased some pressure to get power for endgame....
A nerf to the damage over time component on very high levels of Tornado and Vine Arrow. These were never intended to be dealing damage themselves, but more so act as a way for other skills to propagate damage.
Vine Arrow getting a damage nerf, fine. I don't use it for damage.
But could we at least get a fix for the slow not working at all?
СообщениеConceited#646016 дек. 2024 г., 19:05:06
At this point just delete Cold/Freeze from the game. Secend big nerf in less then a week. Yet Deadeye and spark is going strong. Warrios are 1 shooting bosses, monks are steamrolling everything... But freez in the problem xD
I see there will be only 2/3 builds, thouse that GGG aproved, others will be nerfed to the ground.
СообщениеRaukin#065016 дек. 2024 г., 19:05:27