Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

As a merc who really REALLY doesn't want to use grenades - it's frustrating not having a move skill. You give us a character that can barely move while shooting certain things, and then on top of it most shots have to be pretty close up because aiming just isn't great, and THEN no way to get away when in danger. What am I gonna do - roll away from a boss?

Cmon now. Figure this out, or figure something out to make merc with 2k life and 50% armour with max res in T5 maps not instant die on half of the things.

At the very least make it so you can move at full speed with shockburst - it makes zero sense to slow the character down.

Merc is nerfed enough dontcha think? I can't even shoot my shockbursts from far away because they simply don't hit right.
Venaven#0413 написал:
Not sure why people who are alleged 'lifelong supporters' can't substantiate their criticisms with any kind of actual articulation, as if GGG is supposed to magically, telepathically read their minds and conform to their exact balancing desires. The level of entitlement is so absurd that it has melted most of your brains.

They've had literally ten years of feedback and beta testing from a huge number of players. As a result, they act in the same patterns, as if they don't understand how to balance all these damn skills.
Thank you for all the hard work you put into the game! Hope you all get to enjoy some time off for the holidays with your families and loved ones. Can't wait to see what's in store for next year.
Gotta get rid of the one death per map thing. It's not that I die that often, it's just that the very thought of losing a map at any point is so stressful it makes me completely avoid endgame altogether. What an awful decision.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
waystone drop?
Ruined cast on freeze/shock/ignite and crit.

Worst nerf in existence and biggest mistake soo far.
thawn4444#3507 написал:
MassiveCerberus#3469 написал:
Still nerfing skills that they consider super strong, instead of buffing those skills that are currently trash. The same irrational approach from GGG, we are expecting the same game with meta builds and a bunch of trash skills on release.

did you just not read the part where they said they are buffing underachieving skills???

Do I really need to explain why this isn't true?
Live when?
Bloodmage?! pls?
Lixy#2668 написал:
Give us six portals back.

One feels better

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