This is no ordinary patch, this will be huge in my opinion which will include some content as well. Here is what I expect them to say for this patch;
- Balancing op builds and bad skills/ascendacies.
- Magic Find adjusment, it will no longer affect currency drops or it will be removed completely until further notice. I think they will make it so it won't affect currencies. They want modifiers to brick items in the end (see light radius and it's purpose)
- On death / Skill effects of caster mob(such as fire,ice explosions etc) after they die will do less damage than usual so it won't one shot most people.
- Itemization buff, higher Tier items during maps will drop often and items with higher tiers have a better chance to be very good.
- Online filters will be added for console and GFN.
- New Windows update crash issue will be fixed.
- We are getting our first ever content release. Druid and Huntress + Spear weapon (maybe sword as well) will be added to the game.
- High chance of a new poe1 league mechanic will be added to the game as well (Harvest)
- With this patch, an optional league launch will be happening. Our current server will be getting the full update but a new league launch will be there as an option for those who prefer fresh everything.
This is what i think they will announce easily.
СообщениеKage#125010 янв. 2025 г., 1:36:52
I hope they fix the issue with the Networking MS spikes. The game is practically unplayable. Its ridiculous to see the Network green bar just shoot up and down , I play on fiber optic very fast internet, but something is going on with their servers. I connect to Washington DC US.
СообщениеCmecu#410610 янв. 2025 г., 1:37:25
hopefully you will fix the terri9ble SSF drops and item progression not interested in terrible trade system basically locking me out of end game!
still cant beat viper on cruel and im over leveled heaps
it'S all lack of gear!
and shes overtuned to the max
think of quiting for good as game dosnt respect my time
if difficultly and progression are not mentioned with a fix in the video im out!
arpg's are not spossed to be a grind fest + soullike one shot BS!
The things is, most things complained like death penalty, one shots, or anything else that falls into the category or "I don't like it" or "you will fall soon if you don't do this" have already been complained for 10+ years over at the other poe1 forums.
And poe1 is supposed to be the easier one out of 1 and 2.
TBF for SSF alterations are mandatory, imho creafting is way worse in poe2 than it was in poe1
Well I just hope they fix the map-tiles not loading in the atlas bug, maybe complete overhaul of the atlas. And that they acknowledge in some shape or form the complaints of people getting hacked because this is making me really paranoid on every trade.
RF, Skitterbot, Specters and item filter for geforcenow/console players please!!!
The major issue is the low currency drop rate during the campaign. I can't upgrade gear much and if I get bad rolls I can't go back out and farm for a few hours to try again because it takes a few hours x 4 (8 hours). It's insane. And it almost forces me to fight bosses under geared and they're so hard. I go back with better gear and it's the perfect challenge. So give us currency. Let us get dopamine hits off good rolls and finding good currency. That's the point. Note I didn't use magic find. So maybe that's part of the issue. As many have said, make that something not on gear. You kill a boss you get a luck boost. Maybe let us choose between rarity and quantity but force us to have a minimum of each so it's not total hell if we make a mistake.
The next issue is the rune slots. It's nice we can balance resistances with them but it doesn't work after we have a good set of gear and want to start upgrading pieces. They're slots they should be replaceable.
Finally, let us buyout gear from the trade site. If people list stuff too low that's their problem. At least we'll see the real prices of what things are worth. And it's just quality of life. I know you want to slow us down but you've done that with huge maps lol.
Fix those 3 things, and maybe the zone mapscreen load time and I'd be happier than pig in *****bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*****.
OH and maybe the target direction could be better with some skills. Seems off often. Kind of an important thing to shoot in the direction i'm pointing.
OHH and maybe the towers could be changed. I like the just load the tablet idea. But having every octagon have a rare mob that drops currency might be nice. I ran a hundred maps up to about tier 11 and got 1 divine. Kinda sucks. It got me a decent set of gear costing a few exalts each.. but how am I going to get 12 divine to get a divine set of gear and get to tier 15 maps... run 1200 maps? i even tried buying a cheap set of magic find gear.. had 170%.. didn't help me
Anyways I hope you fix the loot that's the main issue for me. It's such a grind I can't take it. Act one the basic two orbs. Act two regals to get us 3 stats per gear. Act 3 tons of exalts. Let us slam away. It's still low tier gear with limits so what if we have six stats. Act 4 start dropping armor drillers. Act 5 armor and weapon quality. Plus everything else so we're getting loot explosions really. Act six, some divines. Not as many as exalts but some. If I can get 3 before i start mapping that'd be nice. Maybe get a 1 divine weapon or 2 divine and sell one for exalts for a bunch of gear. Then in maps it should be 1 divine every 5 maps. Sometimes 3 or 5 even. I run 300 maps I'm pretty loaded. Can buy a 5 divine weapon 5 divine chest. etc..
Once i got that I can actually start rolling. Vaal'ing. Gambling it all cuz i got nothing to lose. And get some really sick gear I couldn't even buy if I tried.
Higher drops wont help you mate, then the item prices would increase, in the end youll get back to the same issues you have now.
Please warrior buff ! :)
Сообщениеkaperekk#393210 янв. 2025 г., 1:49:57
Finally a interview with 2 great streamers that love the game, i can't wait. First time i've spent money on a game and be so happy that i did it.
No free Christmas Mystery Box this year?
СообщениеShortblade#746310 янв. 2025 г., 1:51:15
Kind reminder!The Blood Mage's Gore Spike does not work. Please repair the bug!