Oh GGG. You do so many good things, but the head designers just continues to refuse to fix specific core issues for the standard player.
For me, I'm not coming back unless you remove death penalty for standard. There is no justification for it to be there while you have standard and hardcore modes.
Johnathon claims in the interview that it has to be there because death has to matter, but that shows the disconnect your leadership has for the standard player.
The death does matter. It's called my time I'm putting in this game, and I don't get that back when I die. It's gone. To add the additional penalties of losing my portal, experience, and items just shows how little the head designers respect my time.
Should it be an option? Absolutely yes, but that is why you have difficulty tiers. If you don't give options about the things that people are saying are a problem, then there is no reason to even have difficulty tiers in the first place when the endgame is all the same.
The same goes with magic find and portals.
It just seems like the head designers have no concept of a standard player. It's as if you only playtest for someone doing 10 or 12 hours a day, 50+ hours a week, and everything else is casual.
It's just so frustrating. Because I'm putting decent hours. I'm not casual, but all these penalties and restrictions in standard mode just scream "you're not welcome".
But you have these modes. Why are they even there if you won't actually fix what these key issues the standard player is experiencing?
Specifically, for standard...
* magic find (give us more currency! That's it. It's simple)
*remove death penalty
* more than 1 portal
Why you don't play d4, but whine here? Is it too expensive?
GGG makes the amazing game. And this game is awesome because it's challenging.
Сообщение25x8#033012 янв. 2025 г., 21:01:33
I sincerely hope you guys did consider the off screen one shots from meteor shrines and the lightning storms(which can't be frozen in time by chrono even if it's on a rare mob)
СообщениеYahim05#321312 янв. 2025 г., 21:02:36
Oh GGG. You do so many good things, but the head designers just continues to refuse to fix specific core issues for the standard player.
For me, I'm not coming back unless you remove death penalty for standard. There is no justification for it to be there while you have standard and hardcore modes.
Johnathon claims in the interview that it has to be there because death has to matter, but that shows the disconnect your leadership has for the standard player.
The death does matter. It's called my time I'm putting in this game, and I don't get that back when I die. It's gone. To add the additional penalties of losing my portal, experience, and items just shows how little the head designers respect my time.
Should it be an option? Absolutely yes, but that is why you have difficulty tiers. If you don't give options about the things that people are saying are a problem, then there is no reason to even have difficulty tiers in the first place when the endgame is all the same.
The same goes with magic find and portals.
It just seems like the head designers have no concept of a standard player. It's as if you only playtest for someone doing 10 or 12 hours a day, 50+ hours a week, and everything else is casual.
It's just so frustrating. Because I'm putting decent hours. I'm not casual, but all these penalties and restrictions in standard mode just scream "you're not welcome".
But you have these modes. Why are they even there if you won't actually fix what these key issues the standard player is experiencing?
Specifically, for standard...
* magic find (give us more currency! That's it. It's simple)
*remove death penalty
* more than 1 portal
just get good lol
Сообщениеharib034#755612 янв. 2025 г., 21:05:47
glad you fixed the lute.
Сообщениеtoxiitea#577212 янв. 2025 г., 21:08:19
Oh GGG. You do so many good things, but the head designers just continues to refuse to fix specific core issues for the standard player.
For me, I'm not coming back unless you remove death penalty for standard. There is no justification for it to be there while you have standard and hardcore modes.
Johnathon claims in the interview that it has to be there because death has to matter, but that shows the disconnect your leadership has for the standard player.
The death does matter. It's called my time I'm putting in this game, and I don't get that back when I die. It's gone. To add the additional penalties of losing my portal, experience, and items just shows how little the head designers respect my time.
Should it be an option? Absolutely yes, but that is why you have difficulty tiers. If you don't give options about the things that people are saying are a problem, then there is no reason to even have difficulty tiers in the first place when the endgame is all the same.
The same goes with magic find and portals.
It just seems like the head designers have no concept of a standard player. It's as if you only playtest for someone doing 10 or 12 hours a day, 50+ hours a week, and everything else is casual.
It's just so frustrating. Because I'm putting decent hours. I'm not casual, but all these penalties and restrictions in standard mode just scream "you're not welcome".
But you have these modes. Why are they even there if you won't actually fix what these key issues the standard player is experiencing?
Specifically, for standard...
* magic find (give us more currency! That's it. It's simple)
*remove death penalty
* more than 1 portal
just get good lol
get an insightful, original, or meaningful response
СообщениеSkyPrince30#411012 янв. 2025 г., 21:09:30
Any news on transferring from SSF?
СообщениеDougreg#286612 янв. 2025 г., 21:10:20
Outstanding work as usual you guys!!! Thank you for hearing the pleas and cries of the community, and tackling such a huge scale of issues all at once.
The sheer satisfaction of hearing that many of the biggest issues are being reworked and tweaked is fantastic. So many beautiful quality of life changes, and improvements has me really excited to see how the game develops over the next 6 months. The full release is going to be without a doubt a grand slam!
You guys are the "Rock Lee" of game studios. You are geniuses of hard work, community involvement, and growth, without the bushy eyebrows and green spandex of course hehe.
A massive cheers to you from Canada, and a genuine heartfelt thank you to each and every hard working employee at GGG.
Thank you!
СообщениеSkrypto#369412 янв. 2025 г., 21:11:45
yo ppl die to faridun king more often??? thats like one of the easiest bosses in the game (after dying a million times to it during campaign i find it trivial now)
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
СообщениеAlekzZz84#294712 янв. 2025 г., 21:11:58
So where I can get the filter for console Jonathan talk about in the Q&A
I want to fix an issue with the Tyranny spear skin in the pack not being compatible with quarterstaff.
СообщениеXCRUZER#154312 янв. 2025 г., 21:14:29