Data Breach Notification

So now that private data has been potentially leaked, what sort of follow up are you going to do with those who have been compromised?
Didn't Jonathan say something about it's 66 notes deleted, but they don't know if before the 30 days something happened? Or am I confusing this?
How many accounts for POE are there? How many were viewed?
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
boyaka#5148 написал:
Didn't Jonathan say something about it's 66 notes deleted, but they don't know if before the 30 days something happened? Or am I confusing this?

Yes, it is unclear which accounts were actually affected and for how long this has been going. While they did not specify when this began, there have been posts (now deleted or hidden) regarding the panel used during this breach by the malicious actors that date back to before the Necropolis league. I am sure this is likely the last time this happens, so that is great.
I got hacked by this admin account for sure. No one trying log-in anywhere but only poe2. 2FA didnt work and dude just come and takes what he want, lost that day about 500divs in gear+ about 200 in currency it was dec19. Since than i message support and provide info what they asked for, they lock me in 3 days, and after they never back to answering... Lost my hope, not gonna wait answer anymore. Maybe they finally answer for email they asked for in couple months. So guys look at customer view, you got hacked, you email, you get locked, you wait more than 1 month. How good is it feeling? And biggest problem, it's not your fault you get hacked.
Thank you for the write-up

Current Unlock Code for unlocking accounts locked due to logging in from a different region

If I may offer a suggestion, it would add a layer of protection if the support team was unable to view this Unlock Code and it was instead stored only in a hashed format for comparison when the account owner enters it.
I understand that there need work to be done to add 2FA, but please do it - game needs it. I doubt that there will be any complain after adding 2FA

CATW rue is a cat
were billing addresses and paypal account names leaked too?
So is GGG doing nothing for the people that were affected by this?

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