Path of Exile 2 - Patch 0.1.1 Patch Note Preview

it is nice u fixed demonform broken interaction with mask of stitched demon...but now what? how do we make it playable now (the broken interaction barely made it so).

i guess roll a gemlin and be happy - stacking stats into thousands is not broken, giving demonform a viable option IS somehow...
Dissapointed by the lack of waystone stash tab, hope this gets added in a hotfix VERY soon.
this patch is ok i guess but really boring? game still sucks.

- terrible balance.
- no ah
- no combat log
- armor worthless
Solmyr77#1930 написал:
Talamor1#0630 написал:
Deploying a patch on a Friday, what could go wrong.
At least, still better than releasing EA before a 3 week vacation...

Wow. I read a lot of bad takes here, but this one is special.

You consider it bad to have a game released right when EVERYONE can play it? They even released it a few weeks before christmas so they had two regular weeks to fix gamebreaking stuff before everyone's vacation.

There has never been a better release date than this EA.

Regarding patch notes, I wonder why the monster section has a bazillion entries but not Eternal Knights? Those dudes that cast 5+ Bone Spirits at you for ~1k each. A white one of those is harder than 3 rares of most breeds.

Otherwise this is delivered as promised, which is fine.

There are issues still (one-portal, on-death effects, BALANCE), but those weren't meant to be adressed just yet.

I don't entirely agree with you, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that your comment is special/original...

As for the EA release date, I'd much rather they'd released it on the original November date without the endgame. I think that would have created a lot less tension in the community and the game would have been better received overall than with a semblance of an endgame that's poorly balanced and overall rather empty of content and meaning at the moment.

Releasing the endgame now at the same time or before/after a first patch note would have been smoother.

Regarding my original post, I maintain that it's rather risky to deploy a patch note on Friday evening rather than at the beginning/middle of the week, when you consider how certain PoE1 deployments or even the initial PoE2 release went. The game is still being designed, and a simple code error could completely break the deployment or further unbalance the current state of the game. I hope you'll be able to enjoy it this weekend.
Amazing work GGG, thank you, despite the largely caustic community who never worked a day in their life but are pretty good in demanding useless stuff without ever thinking about. Keep it up, glorious gaming days are to come
Ofc Warrior gets nerfed again. For a Skill thats Deadge anyways after another 2 nerfs prior KEKW
Supercharged Slam now has "Each successive aftershock gains +0.5 metres to radius, up to 3 metres (previously uncapped).
Can we quality ascendancy skills like poisonous concoction and flame doggy now?
simultaneous use of mouse/controller when? Pretty please :)
Reduced how often Prowling Shades can use their invisibility skill.

Best change <3

Could we please get an official word about using multiple copies of a skill gem?
Is it a feature or a bug?
Senteo#1241 написал:
GG. my build is dead... Fixed a bug where Concoction Skills were considered Bow Skills and as a result could be affected by "increased damage with Bow Skills" modifiers on Quivers.

So Pathfinder is completely useless now? Because pathfinder was much about Flask and flask Effect/Duration with only 2 flasks makes no sens... now Conc skills do aloooooooot less dmg... what is pathfinder good for just, curious?

My Fulminating Concoction Pathfinder blows up everything just fine without "increased damage on bow skills" on my quiver. Calling PF "completely useless" because of a minor bug fix may be slightly premature.

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