A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.
tragic_nate#2420 написал:

This is really unfortunate. I feel like PoE2 has broken my love for PoE. Maybe it is time to move on.

Yeah, I think so as well. Bye-bye. ^^
It's called being pro-active vs. re-active! They could've hired an entire team of developers in September/October with the revenue from POE 2 EA. This is beyond dropping the ball. POE 2 was being worked on for almost 6 years prior to the EA release.
Can we somehow fastforward to GGG filing for bankruptcy, the studio shutting down and the server code being open sourced?

The community would take better care of PoE than Jonathan ever could.
What an absolute L from ggg... this is so sad.
phlaistar#7157 написал:
Im fucking sad and angry right now.

Same - but because the community turns out to be something GGG didn't deserve and not because GGG made a mistake. Even calling them Blizzard. LoL.

The community is reacting like a toddler hearing its first "No!". Grow up and start thinking like a human and not like a ever demanding consume junkie.

The real shitshow is the community rn.

So as a community you are not allowed to make negative comments about promises that have been broken? And why is the comparison with Blizz not legetim? They did the same thing with Warcraft 3 back then. They announced an addon and then postponed it again and again because of WoW until they canceled it. The comparison with Blizz is justified because they made an identical decision as Blizz did back then.
Good thing poe1 has been suffering due to poe2 for years already but hey what's couple more months! o7
good job? ehmmm..it will be okey? i dont know anymore , its getting really hard to defend GGG .

mistake after mistake after mistake , maybe its time for a change in leadership.
"honestly i should have predicted the fact that taking the PoE1 team off PoE1 would lead to this outcome"

the sun rises from the east, water is wet.
Alatikus#7759 написал:
Having reflected on this for a bit, it seems that Jonathan is just out of his depth.
In early interviews he did not even know what was going on with PoE1. He wanted his new shiny thing (I assume so did a lot of designers and managers in GGG).
It was supposed to bring the "VISION" alive.
They had tried to push it on PoE, but backlash made them abandon that plan.
So now we have PoE2 and its alpha state.

Sorry, Jonathan, but the statement is company speak 101. Announce a massive disaster - after the fact. People had been expecting this since ruthless mode and PoE2 EA was announced.
And they were laughed at.

To GGG it might be the economically sensible thing to do, but for players like myself, who love PoE1, it is a slap in the face.

We were told PoE1 development would not be affected in am major way - but it has been for years.
GGG expected PoE2 such a massive success, that people would just forget about PoE1. And like a lot of similar cases (Harvest, AN, trade), people just do not agree.

Back when Settlers was announced, I had the distinct feeling that this was going to be the LAST PoE1 league. (Just the tone of the "bridging the story gap to PoE2 and Kingsmarch").
And now it turns out that they just lied about the work on 3.26. They said that it could have launched end of 2024, but timing was not right ... But PRE-production had not even started and all PoE1 devs are seemingly part of PoE2 team now.
Even the fact that microtransactions are supposed to be compatible with PoE2 now appears to an attempt to soften the blow of PoE1 being abandoned.

Seriously, awesome way to betray trust. I trusted those statements ...

Any for the video: Is Jonathan now also Game Director of PoE1? Thought that was Marc's job?

Strategy seems clear:

1. Build up hype for PoE2 0.2.0
2. Promise to fix EVERYTHING EVER
3. Announce the announcement of an announcement for the future of PoE1 some time later
4. Admit that now PoE1 does not seem to be worth the effort anymore with PoE2 being such a massive success
5. Keep Standard and HC going
6. the end.

And all the excuses about what the next Jesus patch will solve...

You SPLIT the player base, and just ignored us. Even the snide remarks: "PoE1 players often do not like PoE2" - like we are some backward degenerate unwanted remnant of the past.
But GGG seems to be happy with that.

Don't want to ramble on - I just feel incredibly let down.

POE 2 is the furthest thing ever from being a massive success. It's an absolute dumpster fire and for 6 years of development it's a joke.

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