A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

rastaqki#6957 написал:
It's so funny to see grown men crying over a video game.

i wonder how the trainwreck of poe2 was funded.
think about it.
no, really, think about it.
Mybe, just mybe, it would be better to start 3.26 that players have something to do and you will have 8 weeks to work free on POE2...
Should've waited on the PoE2 delivery if it was to kill PoE1..
Последняя редакция: Argurios2442#4971. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 8:10:21
Thank you for your honesty, it brought a tear to my eyes. 10 years of love and 100 more to give! Stay strong exiles, it will be an awesome time!!!! <3 Cant wait for both :) Time to get some real life shit done I was neglecting farming those DIVINES!!!
I am incredible disappointed with hows this is being handeled. The no devs on poe1 is the first stomache punch but the lack of transparent communication if this was clear in November is the sucker punch.

After this YouTube video, PoE 2's player base dropped by approximately 15%, which is quite concerning. I hope they introduce some improvements soon. We've been asking for QoL features in PoE 2, like map tabs, since day one, how hard can it be to implement that to the game?!
You betrayed your fanbase. Nice honesty, but you moved in the wrong direction. I mean money is the biggest factor every company acts by, so i hope you guys take the biggest hit ever in sales revenue so you come to your minds, since it seems to be clouded. If i would have the chance, i would immediately take all my money back i ever spend in PoE 1. Roaches.
jer1993#2638 написал:
I mean at this point just rip off the bandaid and admit poe1 is dead.
I can keep telling people I'll still play poe1 as well, but that's mighty heart to put into practice when it looks like the game's heading towards a year without a release. If this happens everytime poe2 has a release we'll never see a poe1 league again because poe2 will always be more important being the primary cashcow now and there too there will be 3-4 leagues per year. Even if the borrowing of resources will be for shorter periods of time, from 6~9 to 2-4 months added on the league is still a deathblow to poe1.

POE2 is a product being made, it uses MUCh more resources than a finished product. Your argument does not reflect reality
Like ... seriously? I am loosing hope you will keep PoE1 around, which makes me really sad. If I had known this, I would have payed absolute minimum to try out PoE2, not all those extra $ to support you based on the promise to keep developing both games. I guess I will keep playing other games for quite some time in this case.
Последняя редакция: Ferredoxin#2248. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 8:11:05
You better add all the orbs from PoE1 to PoE2 , cuz this simplification is dogshit.

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