A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players
I tried POE2 and I just can't get myself to like it its less than half a game it feels like the newborn who gets all the attention and can't do anything wrong while the older child is neglected and ignored.
I am happy I did not spend money on the recent supporter pack like i had planned to do IF i found myself enjoying 2 a lot it does not deserve it. Had you guys postponed with 3-6 more months i would have been bummed out sure but if that meant 1 more POE1 league and a more polished 2? then id gladly have taken that. The end game is like early days of 1 it lacks content, there is no crafting worthwhile to speak off, build diversity is none existent at the higher end of play, major glaring issues that get ignored, reused code that is stripped back. POE2 was not ready for an early access release as key things that made 1 so great have either been stripped out of 2 or are just not there. Things like "We don't want to rely on unique's for everything" yet there are a few that if you do not use them you are just shooting yourself in the foot. The end game is just lackluster and serves no reason to really progress through it and I can tell it was a rush job as it lacks the usual quality even a minor league release would give in terms of world-building and continuity. Visual clarity on certain displays is horrible, there are maps where monsters blend in so much so that they are near invisible. Bugs like being pushed halfway across a map because of a charging mob when you dodge roll into it is a pain and can lead to certain death. Mobs who charge at you after dying and behave as if they are alive but do 0 damage is a pain. Random 1 shots from grey mobs is a pain. I love the wasd controls that were introduced it makes abilities feel better sure but that really is the only positive i have about POE2 the rest feels like the temu knockoff of POE1. I am sad that the stance that was taken for years of zero tolerance for cheaters is not being upheld when the cheater is someone famous. When account security drops low enough resulting in compromised systems. When duping is just swept under the rug. If you can't deliver a product without sacrificing what made you great in the first place you should not be delivering this product in the first place. Also, why did you guys have to join the long line of companies who decided that it was a great idea to take the piss out of their existing fanbase and focus on the new one?? Why should we who kept your lights on who kept your passion alive for all these years just be dumped to the side because you got a new toy to focus on? Guess I will just find something else to take my time away and maybe come back next league if that new league ever comes. Oh and before I forget not that this matters much but my rating for POE2 was already at a 5/10 only being held up with the above-mentioned wasd and some other hopes but honestly now it be a 2 as if this is the treatment you give POE1 just because you over promise and under deliver and chase perfection FAR to much doesn't mean you should have the right to go "oh ya screw what made us big it doesn't matter anymore" If your focus is so much on "trying to achieve a great end game" that you cant create content for 1 maybe you should have a good look at 1 again. 1 did not start out with amazing end game it took a decade before it was great, you guys iterated and remade end game multiple times over the years take that same approach as the current POE2 endgame sucks it just doesn't feel good, fun sure but it doesn't feel path of exile it feels like a placeholder a rushed idea that needs way more work done to it. So ya 2/10 for POE2 would honestly not recommend(As I have been saying to people who ask me about it for a few weeks now to just wait till early access is over to save themselves the headache) |
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Thank you very much for your honesty.
Sure i am a bit disappointed. But thats life, sometimes things doesnt go as planned.. I am looking forward to the 0.2 Update and 3.26 in the Future. 👍 Love you Guys and Girls and everything in between❤️ |
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" You are probably just as mad as eveyone else, i doubt that you are happy with all the delays and excuses. |
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" LA, Spark and every other meta build joined chat. You have to think to be good just as much as you had to in poe1, if you don’t play a super meta super strong build, especially if you wanted to do Ubers. And just like in poe1, you can make poe2 drop as much or as frequent loot, causing similar dopamine rushes. The issue is that it’s unfinished and has multiple broken innate features, no real end game content and very tedious while that (for me, at least). Последняя редакция: mcswayer#7121. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 8:23:19
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" Fine. 60-90k still good enough to prove my point I think. Последняя редакция: HowToGusta#6151. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 8:25:20
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" Did you even read my post or only the first line? How is PoE 2 a trainwreck when more people enjoy it compared to PoE 1? PoE 2 was funded from the money the company made. You are buying a supporter pack, not company shares. You are buying a product in the present, not some guarantee of the future. Entitled idiots... |
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Obviously, things can get messed up. They didn’t want this, but it happened. People are making posts like all their trust is gone after this, etc., etc. No, it isn’t. They’ve done more than enough for 10+ years. People cried here for too much content. Can you shut up and stop whining like a b*** for a second? Just go play something else until things are ready.
The D3 community didn’t whine like this for double goblin as season theme, They played the same game with minimal changes for 25 seasons, lol. Grow up. |
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I am very disappointed with your decision to sacrifice PoE1 players for PoE2, which hasn’t even come out of beta yet. Players were understanding when you extended leagues from three to four months, then to five, and now six months have passed—only for you to tell us not to wait because nothing has been done and you don’t even know when it will be ready. Will there even be a league? Why make promises that development won’t affect the game, that the league will come in February?
Goodbye, GGG. Chris was right. |
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" Cya, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. |
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" not really, other 30% is newcomers came for shiny toy. |
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