A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

"PoE 2 will never effect the development of PoE 1" 🤡
I guess that's it. I don't like POE 2 and POE 1 got sacrificed for it, after years and thousands of hours it's time to say goodbye to my favorite game. What a sad situation.
Noliant#0145 написал:
Wow, what a dissapointment, I gave you guys money for poe2 because of your track record, I went in blind for a surprise, paying for early access, despite my hatred for it thinking "It'll be fine, ggg is a great company, they can't possibly mess this up" and you saying PoE 2 wouldn't affect poe1. I want a refund for PoE 2. I personally hate it, you guys forgot all the lessons you learned from poe 1. I want to play PoE 1, not this souls-like BS with completely different gameplay.

No more money from me until I get a refund.

Bro what? PoE 2 is better in many many ways, sure it's different but the combat isn't that hard. Unless... you're playing wrong lol. Maybe try poe 2 out again and realize it's not the same game... definitely not dark souls like, and definitely not that difficult. How far did you get in poe 2?
Ohgooditsthatguy#2137 написал:
I'm lovin' PoE2, and am looking forward to years of development & improvement that Poe1 received over the last decade. <3

That's basically my POV. I played in incursion, Delve, and Settlers.

And now that poe2 is here, it's really hard to go backwards.

I'd be more excited about a poe2 patch and eventually a new league.

Depends really on what the Poe 1 league does and hopefully it's between the poe2 EA League and the next EA League.
marentso1#2136 написал:
So time to move one ... Poe2 broke my Love for poe and my Respekt for ggg

Sadly IT Looks Like they think they will finde enough new Player willing to spend enough monny and can fu.k over thr old Playerbase...

Ita over for me and poe sadly but thats how it IS at least we can move on now ...

Edit PoE2 will Not effect PoE1 btw ... What ja Joke ggg hast gotten

~Tier 1~
I'm keep waiting 3.26 because we h already finished POE2 content
fair enough, lovin poe2 so far
it's poever
Guess it's over, very disappointed.
MatadorDeParanaenses#7567 написал:
I guess that's it. I don't like POE 2 and POE 1 got sacrificed for it, after years and thousands of hours it's time to say goodbye to my favorite game. What a sad situation.

You're being a baby, they literally said .2, as in like... 8 updates before release of poe 2. Which, basically means, Q1 of this year. You're throwing your fav game away over a couple weeks effectively? Do something else with your life for a month.

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