You cannot realistically expect GGG to perform miracles. In context, POE 1 has less than 8000 peak players on the weekend while POE 2 has 170k on weekdays.
If you owned a company and 95% of your customers are buying your new product, you put ALL your resources into your new product. What you don't do is allow your new product to fail because +-5% of your customers are nostalgic about "the good old days".
People saying "I told you so" is like saying it is going to rain in England in January. It should have gone without saying, POE 2 is POE 1 2.0 so in essence it is the same game. Additionally you get to carry over ALL your POE stash tabs and even cosmetics eventually. This has never happened in the history of gaming as far as I know.
The developers are being honest and giving you realistic expectations which is rarer than rocking horse shyte in 2025. They didn't blame the players and call them bigots for XYZ.
Honestly for a beta POE 2 isn't in a bad state. The performance issues are strange as identical hardware are having no issues and serious issues respectively, even using the same drivers ext. Low end PCs sometimes have no issues while high end PCs are having issues.
The crashing issues are a mystery, I have done a bit of testing and personally think the one issue lies in outdated bios (or motherboard hardware) as it is the only hardware variable that can cause both bottlenecking and RAM errors which cause crash to windows, data corruption and PC reboot.
Alternatively but more common than many think, when people build their own PC, like upgrade their ram or GPU they accidentally grease the gold plated connectors (gold fingers). This is why professionally built PC's are made in antistatic environments. This skin oil/grease increases the resistance of one or more of the connections to the motherboard and as RAM (for example) uses extremely low voltages any change in resistance can cause all the afore mentioned crash issues, especially crash to windows and hard crash.
These crashes are far more prevalent in high intensity CPU operations as heat induced into said gold plated connectors increases the connectors resistance even further causing system instability. This will eventually decrease the signaling below the data detection/correction threshold and make 1's into 0's causing errors beyond the PC ability to correct for it. It is the opposite of thermal runaway in semi-conductors.
This will effect two identical PC's with identical drivers and windows in the exact way described in the forums.
What I am saying is GGG cannot account for the subjective randomness of personally built PC's. Building a custom PC isn't as easy as plugging in the bits and installing and OS & drivers. More factors are involved.
If POE 2 didn´t have any updates for 7 months it´d be fair to compare player numbers...
There were so many better possibilities and you just chose the laziest one.
СообщениеRenko1985#768730 янв. 2025 г., 9:00:02
Np take your time to deliver something awesome, one quick idea, what if you only reset Settlers of Kalguur? Take care guys.
That would be great !
But there is even more options:
- Delegate Chris for PoE1 only and his devs
- Delegate Jonathan for PoE2 only and his devs
- Turn on the GOOD old Race's with/without mtx rewards
- In 1-2 months relaunch Kalguur or launch some of the older ones like tweaked Legacy
СообщениеXenodrus#269930 янв. 2025 г., 9:01:06
POE2 is not my fav but don't worry dev Im still having fun in Settlers, I know you put everthing you can and hard working right now. Take you time... I can wait for a good league.
СообщениеStevenDJOE#413930 янв. 2025 г., 9:01:17
You cannot realistically expect GGG to perform miracles. In context, POE 1 has less than 8000 peak players on the weekend while POE 2 has 170k on weekdays.
If you owned a company and 95% of your customers are buying your new product, you put ALL your resources into your new product. What you don't do is allow your new product to fail because +-5% of your customers are nostalgic about "the good old days".
People saying "I told you so" is like saying it is going to rain in England in January. It should have gone without saying, POE 2 is POE 1 2.0 so in essence it is the same game. Additionally you get to carry over ALL your POE stash tabs and even cosmetics eventually. This has never happened in the history of gaming as far as I know.
The developers are being honest and giving you realistic expectations which is rarer than rocking horse shyte in 2025. They didn't blame the players and call them bigots for XYZ.
Honestly for a beta POE 2 isn't in a bad state. The performance issues are strange as identical hardware are having no issues and serious issues respectively, even using the same drivers ext. Low end PCs sometimes have no issues while high end PCs are having issues.
The crashing issues are a mystery, I have done a bit of testing and personally think the one issue lies in outdated bios (or motherboard hardware) as it is the only hardware variable that can cause both bottlenecking and RAM errors which cause crash to windows, data corruption and PC reboot.
Alternatively but more common than many think, when people build their own PC, like upgrade their ram or GPU they accidentally grease the gold plated connectors (gold fingers). This is why professionally built PC's are made in antistatic environments. This skin oil/grease increases the resistance of one or more of the connections to the motherboard and as RAM (for example) uses extremely low voltages any change in resistance can cause all the afore mentioned crash issues, especially crash to windows and hard crash.
These crashes are far more prevalent in high intensity CPU operations as heat induced into said gold plated connectors increases the connectors resistance even further causing system instability. This will eventually decrease the signaling below the data detection/correction threshold and make 1's into 0's causing errors beyond the PC ability to correct for it. It is the opposite of thermal runaway in semi-conductors.
This will effect two identical PC's with identical drivers and windows in the exact way described in the forums.
What I am saying is GGG cannot account for the subjective randomness of personally built PC's. Building a custom PC isn't as easy as plugging in the bits and installing and OS & drivers. More factors are involved.
But the 95% of players expected a better game and everyone is realising how shit it is and numbers are plummeting. There are so many bad design choices/problems that it will take years to fix. They basically thought we must do something different from poe 1 but poe 1 has done it mostly correctly. This will end up like new world mmo. Pretty new graphics, but the game had nothing to offer and died insanely fast.
As someone who has always been a bit slow about progressing through this game, I've actually enjoyed the additional time to knock out league challenges. Just a few more fairly trivial ones and I'll have the portal effect reward. This was also the first league where I ever completed the Atlas.
I know it's too long for the mega grinders, which are probably some of the most vocal players. I've kind of always wished there was some way to just keep plugging away at league goals for several months, though, personally. (I get why it could turn into a logistical nightmare for game updates, though, and it's also just bad to split a game's player base into too many different game modes, generally speaking.)
Anyway, main point was just that I've actually enjoyed having a league this long, especially bouncing back and forth between this and PoE 2, and other games besides.
СообщениеLanceloot#226130 янв. 2025 г., 9:02:06
I want more PoE 1,
Please & Thank You.
Concerning that PoE 2 is affecting PoE 1 in this negative way.
"I didn't know we were making a pants simulator." - Chris Wilson
Game was peak fun before consoles and tencent.
Сообщениеdeadunion#777030 янв. 2025 г., 9:02:12
This kinda sucks but holy crap people are being super dramatic.
PoE 2 will be amazing. Give them some time.
They said POE2 needs 6-12 to be released as a full game. It has been 2 months and no major update about it. The end game is super boring and needs to be changed from the core.
Except for the act 1 and maybe act 2 in the campaign, the game is poorly optimized and needs a lot of work.
They said 1 in 4 maps will have bosses, and even with the great update that suppose to fix the fact that map bosses were almost nowhere to be found, you can still play for an hour an still not find the bosses. The content is very repetitive in the endgame and you will encounter the same 5-6 bosses, over and over again.
At this rate, I think a realistic release date for v.1.0 of POE 2 will be late 2026.
Knowing that POE2 is in alpha state and POE1 is the most highly rated of all RPGs, why did you choose to kill it over something that is unpolished as POE2?
It is like you`re trying to kill the whole franchise without even trying.
Последняя редакция: bawaaji#1185. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 9:06:15
Сообщениеbawaaji#118530 янв. 2025 г., 9:02:12
CoopSterner#0617 wrote:
Why is the POE2 game director delivering POE1 news?
LOL. Very good question.
yes, that's a really good question, maybe Jonathan is also AI generated.
Maybe there is no GGG anymore and Tencent puts up a video twice a month.
Jonathan and Mark are GGG, the rest is Tencent, I would be surprised if they did anything other than promote and go on vacation. The last 2 years of POE1 were just development for the next two years of POE2
Take the shovels to the hill, a new king will rise, this one fell from grace a long time ago and I assume Chris Wilson got out because he had nothing left to report like a broken fire alarm
Сообщениеsownice#746930 янв. 2025 г., 9:03:53
gotta love the most transparent dev out there, keep up the good work
Сообщениеphalolia#088830 янв. 2025 г., 9:04:09