A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

tragic_nate#2420 написал:

This is really unfortunate. I feel like PoE2 has broken my love for PoE. Maybe it is time to move on.

Wow, I feel this so much. I was worried since PoE2 became it's own game. I played it having fun but I could at this point not see it being my main game like PoE1 is & was. At least we know what we had feared is true. Some hope left that we actually get some dev time for PoE1 at some point.

Please give us a dedicated Supporter Pack option for PoE1 to show that we value dev time for the game that has made the last 10+ years for some of us so much fun & created such a great community.
Keep calm, play PoE, drink Tea & listen to Prog!
PoE 1 on life support now.

What an absolute travesty that an over-scoped project which was originally intended for the first game ended up becoming the thing that kills it.
Pulled poe1 development on purpose because they can't cohexist muhEAmoney: "poe2 need fixing" lol haha
abusaksak92#9564 написал:
PoE 2 will be far better

In 2 years. In the meantime, it's a boring undercooked game that killed the best ARPG on the market.
Azrael_x_6666#5220 написал:

Just a point of view:
POE2 is an amazing game even if it still needs a lot of work (balancing wise), then again is early access! POE1 is an amazing game as well with or without expansions, not sure why all the negative comments.. . Love the promptitude with which bugs/crashes are addressed, so hats off to GGG developers team.

Keep up, the good work!

Seriously, you don't understand why there is so much criticism? Or are you faking it?

It's impossible, the GGG team hadn't imagined that removing people from poe1 wouldn't have an impact.
because not launching events, maintaining the league for almost a year is extremely bad.
So another six months of Settlers of Kalguur? Woopie.

xKaero#0675 написал:
So another six months of Settlers of Kalguur? Woopie.

yes :/
poe2 would not impact poe1
Johny_Snow#4778 написал:
It's very troubling to see how many people excuse corporate lies and instead attack the disappointed fans. I really hope these people are the minority. Holding someone accountable doesn't make you a crybaby.

These white knights are the toxic part of this community. No matter what you're critizising: They will ALWAYS get personal and insult you. No matter what issue, if it's broken game mechanics or GGG lying: They never use any valid arguments, but insults.
Honestly, if I would have known that this was the state that they were leaving POE1 in, I would have skipped the supporter pack purchase this league. Really not much we can do except express how much of a betrayal this feels, and hope someone actually takes time to at least glance at the plethora of comments.

Alien_reg#0205 написал:
karlsn7#6381 написал:
Johny_Snow#4778 написал:
It's very troubling to see how many people excuse corporate lies and instead attack the disappointed fans. I really hope these people are the minority. Holding someone accountable doesn't make you a crybaby.

Are you serious? it sounds like they killed someone. Actually WTF? This is so f-ing cringe.

You can't expect coherent responses from manchildren who haven't touched grass in a decade

No, the man is right. This multi billion dollar corporation, blatantly mislead its fan//player base to sell mtx and keys, knowing full well what was occurring.

Defending this Chinese mega conglomerate instead of having empathy for the players is the insane take.

Loss is loss, and people deal with it in different ways. A decade and thousands of hours is a long time. This level of betrayal and ultimately what they perceive as loss is on par with losing a pet perhaps.

Are some people reacting with harsh language, sure. They're probably not sure how to deal with the emotional loss.

But attacking them and letting a near trillion dollar corporation off the hook is peak late stage capitalism.

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