A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Joleco#5268 написал:
End of era. I started in 2012 played almost non stop all those years. It became part of me, expecting new journey every 3 months

I felt lost with Poe2 release. Never tried it. I dont think is Poe game. Im glad to see so many people prefer Poe 1 and share same disappointment and sadness

Remember its just bad decision and we can change it. They will be forced to put team to be working on Poe 1 when the 2 fades away.

You're dreaming and PoE2 is a far better game, I played PoE 1 for a year and it sucked.

Live with it and move on.
Vote with your wallets, I bought the 60 euro EA pack based on the the promise of a game with an endgame, and very much not inclined to support POE2 any further. And with the lack of goodwill towards POE1 players, I'll still play the crap out of whatever league releases, assuming its not bottom tier dogshit, but I won't be financially supporting them for the foreseeable future.
edgesarmy#6322 написал:
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you were acting in good faith when you said POE2 development wouldn't impact POE1, and that you truly intended to launch 3.26 in February. However, the fact you believe a game in an alpha state like POE2 is a higher priority than a fully operational game like POE1 is a serious lapse in judgement. It makes me wonder how long POE1 will truly get support. 1 year? 2 years? Before we're all expected to migrate to POE2, whether we like the new playstyle or not.

I won't be buying any more packs until you demonstrate that POE1 will still be supported in a quality way.

Seems to be working to me.
This is so sad..
johnnylamerton#4917 написал:
imagine being me, who paid for both poe1 and poe2 because we were told poe2 would not impact poe1. Then this is how we get treated. No more monye from me. o7

So they closed the servers? You actually cannot play PoE 1 anymore?

I think not. So you can play. just no more support. Games die, live with it, its just a game.

Sad to see that you forget all the players that supported all those past years. Bye bye
Kill PoE1, make PoE2 good, that's simple, no?
Who needs two similar games, its not like PoE2 completely different, it's just unfinished. Implement all PoE1 into PoE2 and kill the old game.
PoE1 isn't dead lmfao, they are finishing PoE2 and going back to PoE1 with their talent. They are just trying to finish the 2nd game so both can live.

Holy crap the over dramatization of some of these people. Youll be fine, go get a hug, it's ok.

You can tell some of these people have hearing, reading problems.
After this drama I really hope 0.2.0 will be a popular patch, considering the ambiguity of the game being on fire. Living through some of the 'vision' encounters we had in our lifetime and the reactions to it (like 3.15/Expedition), I'm reaaaally curious about that one.
People can say all they want but the devs delivered an honest apology.
They have my respect and confidence.

GGG will always be an industry's standard.

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