A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I won't lie, I'm very disappointed. I know you hired a lot of staff to work on PoE2, but this kinda problem should have been noticed long ago. Instead you fell into the same trap we're seeing over and over again from game studios. I think you need some "No Men" on your teams to help make sure things don't scope out beyond what you're capable of.

Still, thank you for your transparency and for taking responsibility and owning up to your mistakes.

Now do better.
I’m so regretting supporting poe2, they said it won’t effect Poe1 but in the end Poe support dropped and now they say believe us we bla bla ggg dropping words right and left and can pull out anytime they want us to believe them after you break promises
They split the community with PoE2 and a lot of comments are so toxic. Reddit has always been nasty at times, but now the in fighting in the community has reached feaver pitch.
I once felt like a valued customer as a PoE fan, not just a cash cow for Jonathan's design agenda. PoE2 is not fun for me and the gloating PoE2 fanboys make the forums a miserable place. I know, don't feed the trolls...
Forums have always been heated at times, but this...
Nah, man. I'm out. It has become almost painful to read up on PoE news.
Communication was once GGG'S strength, now they just so through the motions without any sincerity or accountability.
And I have to say it, it is heartbreaking. PoE(1) was a staple in my life and I love the game and play style.
Clearly misleading the community numerous timses through omission and outright lies. That's awful. I thought you were better GGG. I really did.
I still remember the hate I got in Global in poe1 for saying that the current plan makes no sense and poe1 would suffer for all this... oh how the tables have turned.
Once again the unchecked ego of a few mess up the fun for many.

Betraying your playerbase like that is honestly a disgrace!

I hope you will come to your senses and realize that the the only true gem you have and will ever have is PoE1.
False promises, postponement of updates, loss of course in both games.
The only thing worse than this news is these "transparency" and "poe1 players are such whiners te-hee" guys. You are next kiddos. Remember those when poe2 dies same as poe1.

glad about this.
What a pity. This is my first league, and I'm very unlucky that it turned out to be the most problematic of all.
I really hope that all the issues will be resolved as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, good luck, GGG! You gave a strong start with the beginning of the second part. Don't lose your grip!

Alatikus#7759 написал:
They split the community with PoE2 and a lot of comments are so toxic. Reddit has always been nasty at times, but now the in fighting in the community has reached feaver pitch.
I once felt like a valued customer as a PoE fan, not just a cash cow for Jonathan's design agenda. PoE2 is not fun for me and the gloating PoE2 fanboys make the forums a miserable place. I know, don't feed the trolls...
Forums have always been heated at times, but this...
Nah, man. I'm out. It has become almost painful to read up on PoE news.
Communication was once GGG'S strength, now they just so through the motions without any sincerity or accountability.
And I have to say it, it is heartbreaking. PoE(1) was a staple in my life and I love the game and play style.
Clearly misleading the community numerous timses through omission and outright lies. That's awful. I thought you were better GGG. I really did.

See you in a couple months
poe 1 can't go out like this, I won't let it ;-;

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