A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Bellucs#7913 написал:
The shilling in this thread is pathetic, but that is to be expected from many in this community. I have seen it for a decade.

Just a reminder, this isn't a small indie studio from a decade ago. This is a studio owned by a large Chinese conglomerate. Jonathan isn't your friend. Chris isn't your friend. They sold out long ago and don't care anymore about the golden goose they milked for the last five years to help fund POE 2. Shareholders are all that matter and that will matter to them going forward.

"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Matthee1#1022 написал:
Y'all are dramatic af

You don't play settlers, so be quiet
Последняя редакция: Andershow6#6259. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 20:47:33
baelr0g#4963 написал:
So many crybabies, it's hilarious. All these tears for nothing. Once the baby rage and the tantrums are over, you will behave like an adult again and wait until 0.2 and 3.26 are released. For the Drama Queens that will continue to complain as you did in Archnem and Kalandra, cry on, but remember to stay hydrated.

C ya on 3.26 kids. Behave.

Its not like we are throwing tantrums they broke trust built up over a decade and its gone now. Surely i ll play poe one but the [Removed by Support] son number two can rot wherever it is. An abortion would ve been better but some wont listen.
Последняя редакция: Cameron_GGG#0000. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 21:01:04
Thank you very much for the honest update.
Despite the initial upsetedness, customers/players will ALWAYS value honesty.

To the employee tasked with reading all the comments...
Please convey to GGG that they've got years of trust built up with their fan base.
Please convey that we'd like them to continue to communicate clearly and honestly about snags and snafus, to maintain that trust.
It's easier to digest it after a month's delay, than it is after 2 month's delay, than it is after 6 months delay.

We can empathize, and root you on earlier, than we can if it's hidden until later.

Also, please toss your most novice-est developer onto PoE 1, to give us something.
I think most of us won't even care if it's a buggy as hell, 30 week recap of every league mechanic PoE 1 has ever had.
Week 1 - Shrine only
Week 2 - Strongbox only
Week 3 - Vaal Side Areas only

Just, some kind of basic event to keep us fresh.

Thank you so much for years of enjoyment.
Hopefully you guys can get some kind of solution worked out.
rogercurbelo#3180 написал:
RIP poe, its was nice while it lasted. I don't hate POE 2 but other than graphics, its inferior to poe 1 in every aspect. i don't get it, poe is a very polish game with a lot of fun mechanics, they should have used the best of poe 1 and add to that. what they used from poe 1 are shells of the original mechanics. ritual, expedition and delirium are crap in poe 2 and i don't know why. the ball was rolling already, why taking polish mechanics and make them bad again. its going to take at least 2 years for poe 2 to get even close to poe 1

Its almost like they didn't learn anything in 10 years of poe 1 and had to start from 0 in poe 2. poe 2 atlas is an aberration, and maps are so bad is not even funny. trials are mega bad and balance between classes and skills is non existent.

i hope they make it but this smells bad. with such a road map like poe 1 already stablished there is no excuse to have such and incomplete and primitive version of poe 2. Worse late game than D4. but hey, casuals are loving it so knock your self out. lets see how long that last without the loyal from poe 1..

good luck.

Последняя редакция: Tran555#1572. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 21:11:21
TrygonTheDemon#4069 написал:
Eveeeerone on here saying im so glad i didnt buy the supporter packs.... why? when you all know so damn well that your going to buy it when it drops.... get the supporter packs, even if there is going to be a delay. you know why? cause for the past 13 years GGG has shown that even when the going gets tough. they will pull thru. It might take a minute,, but damn. give them the time it takes... theyve done more with poe2 since launch then d4 has done in a entire year.. its sad to say and unfortunte for people who main poe1 and casual poe2.... but mark my words, by june youll be grinding both games religiously and having a great time.


Po2 half of systems is copy paste from poe1. You even get Favourite map slot unlock. ITs piece of shit game and its nowhere near diablo 4 or 3 or 2 or last epoch or grim dawn or any other major arpg
I appreciate all you guys do and I will stick by your vision for GGG
GGG had ~6 years to groom a second dev team...
See you all in May.
IGN: Warrain
You'll promised poe2 wouldn't interfere with poe1, now this?

Bro, just hire more people wtf, if you can't have two teams of devs to work on both games, why make those promises?
Последняя редакция: S1r_Lancelot#7966. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 21:21:12

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