This is complete PR garbage.
The real problem is that POE2 is struggling and the devs vision for the "ruthless" style gameplay SUCKS. People hate it. But if they release new POE1 content, then everyone will flock back to POE1 and kill what little momentum POE2 has left.
Basically the devs are too scared/stubborn to admit their vision for POE2 is a failure, but they can't bring themselves to admit it. So they won't release a new POE1 season until they come to terms with this reality.
Their excuses of needing to spend time on POE1 are complete garbage lies. They could have recycled old content and re-released Settlers of Kalgur in a freshly wiped season. That alone would have made people happier than the current situation. They won't do that because they want to shove POE2 garbage down our throats.
Amen, its time to wake the hell up GGG and fucking listen
We had that fight already with poe1. Won't do it a 2nd time. Will vote with my wallet.
Exactly this. But I guess GGG knows it but doens't care.
Holy crap, I'm completely baffled by the reactions here. I have to believe this is just a tiny screaming minority of people, and that there's a silent majority of players who, like me, think that a) this is entirely understandable; b) their decision to move developers to poe2 was obviously the correct one (what else should they have done; postpone EA launch once more? For an undetermined time?); c) we're already extremely spoiled at how well they are polishing PoE2 given it's just in EA -- it's amazing how playable and enjoyable that game already is; d) it's super POG (or whatever today's correct internet-slang word is) the way the lead developer honestly and openly communicates about this directly to the player base, and apologizes. Honestly, cudos to the team, again.
The only mistake they made, imo, was to ever say that PoE1 wouldn't be affected by PoE2 -- that has always been just completely unrealistic. (But who said that? When? Was it even Jonathan?) So much so that obviously everyone should have taken that with a grain of salt. I sure never believed that from the start. They probably felt obliged to say that, because there were probably a flood of whiny kids who were afraid that for a couple of months, they would have to wait a bit longer for a new PoE1 season to arrive (who the fuck cares?! aren't there enough other games to play in the mean time?!)
Seriously, this sense of entitlement, the level of spoiledness, the ingratitude of some people boggles my mind. I guess it's in part a generational thing, and damn, that does not bode well for the future.
Well said! 90% of ppl writing here, are ppl that have to much free time, which is small percent off global player base. I have 280h in poe2 atm and I start feeling I need a break from poe. So I would not play poe 1 anyway... In my opinion ggg plan to develop both games its a mistake, becouse mojority off ppl will play just one anyway. Supporting both games will just split player base and cycle will stay same for most ppl 1- 2 months of playing 1- 2 months break.
Сообщениеgredzel#963131 янв. 2025 г., 8:28:06
This is complete PR garbage.
The real problem is that POE2 is struggling and the devs vision for the "ruthless" style gameplay SUCKS. People hate it. But if they release new POE1 content, then everyone will flock back to POE1 and kill what little momentum POE2 has left.
Basically the devs are too scared/stubborn to admit their vision for POE2 is a failure, but they can't bring themselves to admit it. So they won't release a new POE1 season until they come to terms with this reality.
Their excuses of needing to spend time on POE1 are complete garbage lies. They could have recycled old content and re-released Settlers of Kalgur in a freshly wiped season. That alone would have made people happier than the current situation. They won't do that because they want to shove POE2 garbage down our throats.
Amen, its time to wake the hell up GGG and fucking listen
We had that fight already with poe1. Won't do it a 2nd time. Will vote with my wallet.
WDYM? the whole game is Wroom wroom Zoom zoom Screen explodes. Did you even play PoE 2? It's even more Zoomy than first one
СообщениеArtaEva#726331 янв. 2025 г., 8:36:55
СообщениеWinterskin#679231 янв. 2025 г., 8:37:36
it is absolutely hilarious, how POE1 fans , abusing their good will and trust, were made to pay for POE2. " I trust em, they are fine, here is 30 bucks and kick me in the ass, thank you."
Сообщениеrvpsnz#530031 янв. 2025 г., 8:38:11
Take all the time you need guys! You doing great job!
No one this days making such a great game as you do! Keep going!
Holy crap, I'm completely baffled by the reactions here. I have to believe this is just a tiny screaming minority of people, and that there's a silent majority of players who, like me, think that a) this is entirely understandable; b) their decision to move developers to poe2 was obviously the correct one (what else should they have done; postpone EA launch once more? For an undetermined time?); c) we're already extremely spoiled at how well they are polishing PoE2 given it's just in EA -- it's amazing how playable and enjoyable that game already is; d) it's super POG (or whatever today's correct internet-slang word is) the way the lead developer honestly and openly communicates about this directly to the player base, and apologizes. Honestly, cudos to the team, again.
The only mistake they made, imo, was to ever say that PoE1 wouldn't be affected by PoE2 -- that has always been just completely unrealistic. (But who said that? When? Was it even Jonathan?) So much so that obviously everyone should have taken that with a grain of salt. I sure never believed that from the start. They probably felt obliged to say that, because there were probably a flood of whiny kids who were afraid that for a couple of months, they would have to wait a bit longer for a new PoE1 season to arrive (who the fuck cares?! aren't there enough other games to play in the mean time?!)
Seriously, this sense of entitlement, the level of spoiledness, the ingratitude of some people boggles my mind. I guess it's in part a generational thing, and damn, that does not bode well for the future.
Well said! 90% of ppl writing here, are ppl that have to much free time, which is small percent off global player base. I have 280h in poe2 atm and I start feeling I need a break from poe. So I would not play poe 1 anyway... In my opinion ggg plan to develop both games its a mistake, becouse mojority off ppl will play just one anyway. Supporting both games will just split player base and cycle will stay same for most ppl 1- 2 months of playing 1- 2 months break.
Lmao, another disbeliever of the so called "silent" majority in shambles speaking out on the forums...
Сообщениеunknown#244631 янв. 2025 г., 8:45:00
YOu doing great GGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
СообщениеDeerockt#476331 янв. 2025 г., 8:53:40
they saw numbers.
they told 'fk poe1, poe2 is 5 times more popular'.
ggg obeyed.
there's no any other reason for shit like this to happen. ggg doesnt have internal reasons to push poe2 with every dev they own, especially after hype ended and they realised that a lot of people dont like new game concept.
tell me again that selling ggg to tencent will change nothing.
I don't think is Tencent per se. The moment Chris, Jonathan and Erik sold GGG it was a matter of time the passion for making games will be gone and they will just phone it in or outright retire. They are all multimillionaires, how much they can argue on the internet about magic find, flasks, item drops etc.
Maybe we will find out what really happened to GGG post-mortem down the line, but right now Jonathan is the face of PoE2 and all decisions about design and direction are his doing in the eye of the public. So I would say he is poor game designer, because PoE2 doesn't have a single new game mechanic or system that is new, interesting or an evolution form prior one(PoE1 or any other ARPG). Nothing on the level of the support gem system, flasks system, orbs modifying items and replacing gold or the passive skill tree all from the inception of PoE or the end game map mechanic from later on. Whomever did come up with these ideas- big kudos! That person or persons deserve to be celebrated as legendary game designers on the level of the likes of Jon Van Caneghem, Brian Reynolds, David Brevik etc. If Jonathan had big role in the design of these, my apologies, but for the work on PoE2 you don't have it anymore, sir.