A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

JakeBaconDigial#3378 написал:
Poe1 is like what...12 years old? Get over it lol.

Be happy they even supported it this long.

I'm going to start complaining that Blizzard doesn't make expansions for diablo 2 anymore lol

At this point it needs to be that POE 1 won't interfere with POE 2. THats the smartest move and if you aren't happy with that then move on to a different game.

They didn't supported it for this long. WE did.

Their financial report is public, go read it. They made on avg 25 to 40 millions every league FROM US.
Can we please get Chris Wilson back at the helm? At this point it's clear Jonathan keeps breaking promises and fail to meet expectations, expectations that they themselves had set. Why not go back to focus on PoE1 and work on PoE2 in the background? It's in EA after all. Provide content for the established game while you slowly and carefully work on improving PoE2. Seems like a better plan than pouring all resources into an half-assed EA game and neglecting your money maker.
GGG should be ashamed.
"You want Path of Exile 2? TAKE IT! It's yours. But Path of Exile?! Path of Exile I will burn to the ground!"

- Jonathan Rogers 2025
Последняя редакция: theb0necrusher#4554. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 16:19:07
is this an out of season april fools joke?
Oh man... Stuff I don't like ruins stuff I love.

At first, PoE2 was interesting news, then I had doubts, especially because of PoE1. Now, PoE2 awakens in me just negative emotions :(

At least end the Settlers League and integrate the new town into core, with its mechanics, becouse it's awesome!
Последняя редакция: Radwan1989#2271. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 16:27:22
I wish best of you guys. I hope everything coming out as well.
Very disappointing.

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