A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Yeah, I'm not spending a single cent until you're delivering on PoE 1 again...

This is fucking disappointing. I didn't even think PoE 2 was fun.

3.26 better be fucking good once you release it.
Great news! We have more time to complete the challenges.
Lucky for me, I have been very busy recently and needed this extension.

I wish every League gives 1 year to complete the challenges, and have 4 leagues running simultaneously so that people can complete them outside busy months.
If you want to help, maybe send in a resume.
Gambling addiction means that I win more than you do.
Seems like backward thinking here, POE2 is an early access game which is expected to be on fire, until actual release. Abandoning your flagship title to dedicate everything into something that not everyone likes is a knee jerk reaction that's going to sink both.
Styxarillo#3827 написал:
Yeah, I'm not spending a single cent until you're delivering on PoE 1 again...

This is fucking disappointing. I didn't even think PoE 2 was fun.

3.26 better be fucking good once you release it.

3.26 cannot be anything special because of the two words Jonathan said.. they havent even BEGUN working on it..
I had hopes they had made some insane changes, nutty endgame refresh, new pinnacle bosses, WASD movement or something.. maybe even POE1 remade in POE2 engine/graphics..

3.26 is gonna be a mid rushed league.

All im hoping is they will remake POE with POE2 engine because MAN POE1 would look insane and play insane if it was on POE2 graphics.
Mathils actual cat
Seriously, this is the worst decision ever.

Like, GGG you are trading loyalty for quick wealth. You can not keep both side satisfied, but you SHOULD keep the most stable and constant input, aka POE 1 playerbase than starting turbos on POE 2.

It's not even about superiority of whichever version of POE, but simply the strategic elements behind the decision bro. You can not just depend on the money you gathered from POE 2 EA to sustain yourself when is not happening in the coming year IMO because of the end-game overhaul, not mentioning 4 other classes and skills and their interactions.

Like, you can still deliver batches of updates to POE 2 whilst POE 1 receiving new league. The only possibility that justifies your decision is that you want to push league mechanics as fast as possible on POE 2 to test and stop the shrinkage of POE 2 playerbase. But honestly, have you ever done data analysis to find out the reasons behind the shrinkage to further confirm your hypothesis?

Bro don't make unnecessary sacrifice that will cost the company's future, for real. Just go figure out!
There is absolutely no excuse for not releasing at least Affliction 2.0 or any form of the older leagues with a twist in the meantime we wait for 3.26. We have been supporting poe 2 and at the same time we were getting scuffed leagues for past years because most of resources were shifted to poe 2. This is like spitting in someone's face, it's completely inexcusable.
Последняя редакция: Apocalypso_#4985. Время: 1 февр. 2025 г., 17:57:28
Some of the most ungrateful people I've ever seen. I'm talking about the community.
No one who played standard is surprised.

We saw this coming since Ritual when all sorts of nerfs to POE1 occurred to prep players for POE2 slowness.

I can't spend any more money with GGG and this treatment of POE1 is why I refuse to play POE2.

I took my money and time elsewhere because GGG lied to me too many times.
Your open communication and humility to admit when you've screwed up show integrity that is rare if not unique in the gaming development world.

Thank you for continuing to bring us some amazing games and content. Looking forward to what you can do with both games!

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